Source code for scico.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SCICO package. Details of the copyright and
# user license can be found in the 'LICENSE' file distributed with the
# package.

"""General utility functions."""

from __future__ import annotations

import io
import socket
import urllib.error as urlerror
import urllib.request as urlrequest
from functools import reduce, wraps
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import jax
from jax.interpreters.batching import BatchTracer
from jax.interpreters.partial_eval import DynamicJaxprTracer

[docs]def rgetattr(obj: object, name: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Any: """Recursive version of :func:`getattr`. Args: obj: Object with the attribute to be accessed. name: Path to object in with components delimited by a "." character. default: Default value to be returned if the attribute does not exist. Returns: Attribute value of default if attribute does not exist. """ try: return reduce(getattr, name.split("."), obj) except AttributeError as e: if default is not None: return default else: raise e
[docs]def rsetattr(obj: object, name: str, value: Any): """Recursive version of :func:`setattr`. Args: obj: Object with the attribute to be set. name: Path to object in with components delimited by a "." character. value: Value to which the attribute is to be set. """ # See path = name.split(".") setattr(reduce(getattr, path[:-1], obj), path[-1], value)
[docs]def partial(func: Callable, indices: Sequence, *fixargs: Any, **fixkwargs: Any) -> Callable: """Flexible partial function creation. This function is similar to :func:`functools.partial`, but allows fixing of arbitrary positional arguments rather than just some number of trailing positional arguments. Args: func: Function from which partial function is to be derived. indices: Tuple of indices of positional args of `func` that are to be fixed to the values specified in `fixargs`. *fixargs: Fixed values for specified positional arguments. **fixkwargs: Fixed values for keyword arguments. Returns: The partial function with fixed arguments. """ def pfunc(*freeargs, **freekwargs): numargs = len(fixargs) + len(freeargs) args = [ None, ] * numargs kfix = 0 kfree = 0 for k in range(numargs): if k in indices: args[k] = fixargs[kfix] kfix += 1 else: args[k] = freeargs[kfree] kfree += 1 kwargs = freekwargs.copy() kwargs.update(fixkwargs) return func(*args, **kwargs) posdoc = "" if indices: posdoc = f"positional arguments {','.join(map(str, indices))}" kwdoc = "" if fixkwargs: kwdoc = f"keyword arguments {','.join(fixkwargs.keys())}" pfunc.__doc__ = f"Partial function derived from function {func.__name__}" if posdoc or kwdoc: pfunc.__doc__ += " by fixing " + (" and ".join(filter(None, (posdoc, kwdoc)))) return pfunc
[docs]def device_info(devid: int = 0) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Get a string describing the specified device. Args: devid: ID number of device. Returns: Device description string. """ numdev = jax.device_count() if devid >= numdev: raise RuntimeError(f"Requested information for device {devid} but only {numdev} present.") dev = jax.devices()[devid] if dev.platform == "cpu": info = "CPU" else: info = f"{dev.platform.upper()} ({dev.device_kind})" return info
[docs]def check_for_tracer(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Check if positional arguments to `func` are jax tracers. This is intended to be used as a decorator for functions that call external code from within SCICO. At present, external functions cannot be jit-ed or vmap/pmaped. This decorator checks for signs of jit/vmap/pmap and raises an appropriate exception. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if any([isinstance(x, DynamicJaxprTracer) for x in args]): raise TypeError( f"DynamicJaxprTracer found in {func.__name__}; did you jit this function?" ) if any([isinstance(x, BatchTracer) for x in args]): raise TypeError( f"BatchTracer found in {func.__name__}; did you vmap/pmap this function?" ) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def url_get(url: str, maxtry: int = 3, timeout: int = 10) -> io.BytesIO: # pragma: no cover """Get content of a file via a URL. Args: url: URL of the file to be downloaded. maxtry: Maximum number of download retries. timeout: Timeout in seconds for blocking operations. Returns: Buffered I/O stream. Raises: ValueError: If the maxtry parameter is not greater than zero. urllib.error.URLError: If the file cannot be downloaded. """ if maxtry <= 0: raise ValueError("Parameter maxtry should be greater than zero.") for ntry in range(maxtry): try: rspns = urlrequest.urlopen(url, timeout=timeout) cntnt = break except urlerror.URLError as e: if not isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout): raise return io.BytesIO(cntnt)
# Timer classes are copied from
[docs]class Timer: """Timer class supporting multiple independent labeled timers. The timer is based on the relative time returned by :func:`timeit.default_timer`. """ def __init__( self, labels: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, default_label: str = "main", all_label: str = "all", ): """ Args: labels: Label(s) of the timer(s) to be initialised to zero. default_label: Default timer label to be used when methods are called without specifying a label. all_label: Label string that will be used to denote all timer labels. """ # Initialise current and accumulated time dictionaries self.t0: Dict[str, Optional[float]] = {} Dict[str, float] = {} # Record default label and string indicating all labels self.default_label = default_label self.all_label = all_label # Initialise dictionary entries for labels to be created # immediately if labels is not None: if not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple)): labels = [ labels, ] for lbl in labels:[lbl] = 0.0 self.t0[lbl] = None
[docs] def start(self, labels: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None): """Start specified timer(s). Args: labels: Label(s) of the timer(s) to be started. If it is ``None``, start the default timer with label specified by the `default_label` parameter of :meth:`__init__`. """ # Default label is self.default_label if labels is None: labels = self.default_label # If label is not a list or tuple, create a singleton list # containing it if not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple)): labels = [ labels, ] # Iterate over specified label(s) t = timer() for lbl in labels: # On first call to start for a label, set its accumulator to zero if lbl not in[lbl] = 0.0 self.t0[lbl] = None # Record the time at which start was called for this lbl if # it isn't already running if self.t0[lbl] is None: self.t0[lbl] = t
[docs] def stop(self, labels: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None): """Stop specified timer(s). Args: labels: Label(s) of the timer(s) to be stopped. If it is ``None``, stop the default timer with label specified by the `default_label` parameter of :meth:`__init__`. If it is equal to the string specified by the `all_label` parameter of :meth:`__init__`, stop all timers. """ # Get current time t = timer() # Default label is self.default_label if labels is None: labels = self.default_label # All timers are affected if label is equal to self.all_label, # otherwise only the timer(s) specified by label if labels == self.all_label: labels = list(self.t0.keys()) elif not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple)): labels = [ labels, ] # Iterate over specified label(s) for lbl in labels: if lbl not in self.t0: raise KeyError(f"Unrecognized timer key {lbl}.") # If self.t0[lbl] is None, the corresponding timer is # already stopped, so no action is required if self.t0[lbl] is not None: # Increment time accumulator from the elapsed time # since most recent start call[lbl] += t - self.t0[lbl] # type: ignore # Set start time to None to indicate timer is not running self.t0[lbl] = None
[docs] def reset(self, labels: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None): """Reset specified timer(s). Args: labels: Label(s) of the timer(s) to be stopped. If it is ``None``, stop the default timer with label specified by the `default_label` parameter of :meth:`__init__`. If it is equal to the string specified by the `all_label` parameter of :meth:`__init__`, stop all timers. """ # Default label is self.default_label if labels is None: labels = self.default_label # All timers are affected if label is equal to self.all_label, # otherwise only the timer(s) specified by label if labels == self.all_label: labels = list(self.t0.keys()) elif not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple)): labels = [ labels, ] # Iterate over specified label(s) for lbl in labels: if lbl not in self.t0: raise KeyError(f"Unrecognized timer key {lbl}.") # Set start time to None to indicate timer is not running self.t0[lbl] = None # Set time accumulator to zero[lbl] = 0.0
[docs] def elapsed(self, label: Optional[str] = None, total: bool = True) -> float: """Get elapsed time since timer start. Args: label: Label of the timer for which the elapsed time is required. If it is ``None``, the default timer with label specified by the `default_label` parameter of :meth:`__init__` is selected. total: If ``True`` return the total elapsed time since the first call of :meth:`start` for the selected timer, otherwise return the elapsed time since the most recent call of :meth:`start` for which there has not been a corresponding call to :meth:`stop`. Returns: Elapsed time. """ # Get current time t = timer() # Default label is self.default_label if label is None: label = self.default_label # Return 0.0 if default timer selected and it is not initialised if label not in self.t0: return 0.0 # Raise exception if timer with specified label does not exist if label not in self.t0: raise KeyError(f"Unrecognized timer key {label}.") # If total flag is True return sum of accumulated time from # previous start/stop calls and current start call, otherwise # return just the time since the current start call te = 0.0 if self.t0[label] is not None: te = t - self.t0[label] # type: ignore if total: te +=[label] return te
[docs] def labels(self) -> List[str]: """Get a list of timer labels. Returns: List of timer labels. """ return list(self.t0.keys())
def __str__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of object. The representation consists of a table with the following columns: * Timer label. * Accumulated time from past start/stop calls. * Time since current start call, or 'Stopped' if timer is not currently running. """ # Get current time t = timer() # Length of label field, calculated from max label length fldlen = [len(lbl) for lbl in self.t0] + [ len(self.default_label), ] lfldln = max(fldlen) + 2 # Header string for table of timers s = f"{'Label':{lfldln}s} Accum. Current\n" s += "-" * (lfldln + 25) + "\n" # Construct table of timer details for lbl in sorted(self.t0): td =[lbl] if self.t0[lbl] is None: ts = " Stopped" else: ts = f" {(t - self.t0[lbl]):.2e} s" % (t - self.t0[lbl]) # type: ignore s += f"{lbl:{lfldln}s} {td:.2e} s {ts}\n" return s
[docs]class ContextTimer: """A wrapper class for :class:`Timer` that enables its use as a context manager. For example, instead of >>> t = Timer() >>> t.start() >>> x = sum(range(1000)) >>> t.stop() >>> elapsed = t.elapsed() one can use >>> t = Timer() >>> with ContextTimer(t): ... x = sum(range(1000)) >>> elapsed = t.elapsed() """ def __init__( self, timer: Optional[Timer] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, action: str = "StartStop", ): """ Args: timer: Timer object to be used as a context manager. If ``None``, a new class:`Timer` object is constructed. label: Label of the timer to be used. If it is ``None``, start the default timer. action: Actions to be taken on context entry and exit. If the value is 'StartStop', start the timer on entry and stop on exit; if it is 'StopStart', stop the timer on entry and start it on exit. """ if action not in ["StartStop", "StopStart"]: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized action {action}.") if timer is None: self.timer = Timer() else: self.timer = timer self.label = label self.action = action def __enter__(self): """Start the timer and return this ContextTimer instance.""" if self.action == "StartStop": self.timer.start(self.label) else: self.timer.stop(self.label) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Stop the timer and return ``True`` if no exception was raised within the `with` block, otherwise return ``False``. """ if self.action == "StartStop": self.timer.stop(self.label) else: self.timer.start(self.label) return not exc_type
[docs] def elapsed(self, total: bool = True) -> float: """Return the elapsed time for the timer. Args: total: If ``True`` return the total elapsed time since the first call of :meth:`start` for the selected timer, otherwise return the elapsed time since the most recent call of :meth:`start` for which there has not been a corresponding call to :meth:`stop`. Returns: Elapsed time. """ return self.timer.elapsed(self.label, total=total)