Main SCICO Classes#


The class BlockArray provides a way to combine arrays of different shapes into a single object for use with other SCICO classes. A BlockArray consists of a list of jax.Array objects, which we refer to as blocks. A BlockArray differs from a list in that, whenever possible, BlockArray properties and methods (including unary and binary operators like +, -, *, …) automatically map along the blocks, returning another BlockArray or tuple as appropriate. For example,

>>> x = snp.blockarray((
...     [[1, 3, 7],
...      [2, 2, 1]],
...     [2, 4, 8]
... ))

>>> x.shape  # returns tuple
((2, 3), (3,))

>>> x * 2  # returns BlockArray   
BlockArray([...Array([[ 2,  6, 14],
             [ 4,  4,  2]], dtype=...), ...Array([ 4,  8, 16], dtype=...)])

>>> y = snp.blockarray((
...        [[.2],
...         [.3]],
...        [.4]
... ))

>>> x + y  # returns BlockArray  
BlockArray([...Array([[1.2, 3.2, 7.2],
              [2.3, 2.3, 1.3]], dtype=...), ...Array([2.4, 4.4, 8.4], dtype=...)])

NumPy and SciPy Functions#

scico.numpy, scico.numpy.testing, and scico.scipy.special provide wrappers around jax.numpy, numpy.testing and jax.scipy.special where many of the functions have been extended to work with instances of BlockArray. In particular:

  • When a tuple of tuples is passed as the shape argument to an array creation routine, a BlockArray is created.

  • When a BlockArray is passed to a reduction function, the blocks are ravelled (i.e., reshaped to be 1D) and concatenated before the reduction is applied. This behavior may be prevented by passing the axis argument, in which case the function is mapped over the blocks.

  • When one or more BlockArray instances are passed to a mathematical function that is not a reduction, the function is mapped over (corresponding) blocks.

For a list of array creation routines, see

>>> scico.numpy.creation_routines  
('empty', ...)

For a list of reduction functions, see

>>> scico.numpy.reduction_functions  
('sum', ...)

For lists of the remaining wrapped functions, see

>>> scico.numpy.mathematical_functions  
('sin', ...)
>>> scico.numpy.testing_functions  
('testing.assert_allclose', ...)
>>> import scico.scipy
>>> scico.scipy.special.functions  
('betainc', ...)

Note that:

  • Both scico.numpy.ravel and BlockArray.ravel return a BlockArray with ravelled blocks rather than the concatenation of these blocks as a single array.

  • The functional and method versions of the “same” function differ in their behavior, with the method version only applying the reduction within each block, and the function version applying the reduction across all blocks. For example, scico.numpy.sum applied to a BlockArray with two blocks returns a scalar value, while BlockArray.sum returns a BlockArray two scalar blocks.

Motivating Example#

The discrete differences of a two-dimensional array, \(\mb{x} \in \mbb{R}^{n \times m}\), in the horizontal and vertical directions can be represented by the arrays \(\mb{x}_h \in \mbb{R}^{n \times (m-1)}\) and \(\mb{x}_v \in \mbb{R}^{(n-1) \times m}\) respectively. While it is usually useful to consider the output of a difference operator as a single entity, we cannot combine these two arrays into a single array since they have different shapes. We could vectorize each array and concatenate the resulting vectors, leading to \(\mb{\bar{x}} \in \mbb{R}^{n(m-1) + m(n-1)}\), which can be stored as a one-dimensional array, but this makes it hard to access the individual components \(\mb{x}_h\) and \(\mb{x}_v\).

Instead, we can construct a BlockArray, \(\mb{x}_B = [\mb{x}_h, \mb{x}_v]\):

>>> n = 32
>>> m = 16
>>> x_h, key = scico.random.randn((n, m-1))
>>> x_v, _ = scico.random.randn((n-1, m), key=key)

# Form the blockarray
>>> x_B = snp.blockarray([x_h, x_v])

# The blockarray shape is a tuple of tuples
>>> x_B.shape
((32, 15), (31, 16))

# Each block component can be easily accessed
>>> x_B[0].shape
(32, 15)
>>> x_B[1].shape
(31, 16)

Constructing a BlockArray#

The recommended way to construct a BlockArray is by using the blockarray function.

>>> import scico.numpy as snp
>>> x0, key = scico.random.randn((32, 32))
>>> x1, _ = scico.random.randn((16,), key=key)
>>> X = snp.blockarray((x0, x1))
>>> X.shape
((32, 32), (16,))
>>> X.size
(1024, 16)
>>> len(X)

While blockarray will accept arguments of type ndarray or Array, arguments of type ndarray will be converted to Array type.

Operating on a BlockArray#


BlockArray indexing works just like indexing a list.

Multiplication Between BlockArray and LinearOperator#

The Operator and LinearOperator classes are designed to work on instances of BlockArray in addition to instances of Array. For example

>>> x, key = scico.random.randn((3, 4))
>>> A_1 = scico.linop.Identity(x.shape)
>>> A_1.shape  # array -> array
((3, 4), (3, 4))

>>> A_2 = scico.linop.FiniteDifference(x.shape)
>>> A_2.shape  # array -> BlockArray
(((2, 4), (3, 3)), (3, 4))

>>> diag = snp.blockarray([np.array(1.0), np.array(2.0)])
>>> A_3 = scico.linop.Diagonal(diag, input_shape=(A_2.output_shape))
>>> A_3.shape  # BlockArray -> BlockArray
(((2, 4), (3, 3)), ((2, 4), (3, 3)))


An operator is a map from \(\mathbb{R}^n\) or \(\mathbb{C}^n\) to \(\mathbb{R}^m\) or \(\mathbb{C}^m\). In SCICO, operators are primarily used to represent imaging systems and provide regularization. SCICO operators are represented by instances of the Operator class.

SCICO Operator objects extend the notion of “shape” and “size” from the usual NumPy ndarray class. Each Operator object has an input_shape and output_shape; these shapes can be either tuples or a tuple of tuples (in the case of a BlockArray). The matrix_shape attribute describes the shape of the LinearOperator if it were to act on vectorized, or flattened, inputs.

For example, consider a two-dimensional array \(\mb{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}\). We compute the discrete differences of \(\mb{x}\) in the horizontal and vertical directions, generating two new arrays: \(\mb{x}_h \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times (m-1)}\) and \(\mb{x}_v \in \mathbb{R}^{(n-1) \times m}\). We represent this linear operator by \(\mb{A} : \mathbb{R}^{n \times m} \to \mathbb{R}^{n \times (m-1)} \otimes \mathbb{R}^{(n-1) \times m}\). In SCICO, this linear operator will return a BlockArray with the horizontal and vertical differences stored as blocks. Letting \(y = \mb{A} x\), we have y.shape = ((n, m-1), (n-1, m)) and

A.input_shape = (n, m)
A.output_shape = ((n, m-1), (n-1, m)], (n, m))
A.shape = ( ((n, m-1), (n-1, m)), (n, m))   # (output_shape, input_shape)
A.input_size = n*m
A.output_size = n*(n-1)*m*(m-1)
A.matrix_shape = (n*(n-1)*m*(m-1), n*m)    # (output_size, input_size)

Operator Calculus#

SCICO supports a variety of operator calculus rules, allowing new operators to be defined in terms of old ones. The following table summarizes the available operations.




A(x) + B(x)


A(x) - B(x)

(c * A)(x)

c * A(x)









Defining A New Operator#

To define a new operator, pass a callable to the Operator constructor:

A = Operator(input_shape=(32,), eval_fn = lambda x: 2 * x)

Or use subclassing:

>>> from scico.operator import Operator
>>> class MyOp(Operator):
...     def _eval(self, x):
...         return 2 * x

>>> A = MyOp(input_shape=(32,))

At a minimum, the _eval function must be overridden. If either output_shape or output_dtype are unspecified, they are determined by evaluating the operator on an input of appropriate shape and dtype.

Linear Operators#

Linear operators are those for which

\[H(a \mb{x} + b \mb{y}) = a H(\mb{x}) + b H(\mb{y}) \;.\]

SCICO represents linear operators as instances of the class LinearOperator. While finite-dimensional linear operators can always be associated with a matrix, it is often useful to represent them in a matrix-free manner. Most of SCICO’s linear operators are implemented matrix-free.

Using A LinearOperator#

We implement two ways to evaluate a LinearOperator. The first is using standard callable syntax: A(x). The second mimics the NumPy matrix multiplication syntax: A @ x. Both methods perform shape and type checks to validate the input before ultimately either calling A._eval or generating a new LinearOperator.

For linear operators that map real-valued inputs to real-valued outputs, there are two ways to apply the adjoint: A.adj(y) and A.T @ y.

For complex-valued linear operators, there are three ways to apply the adjoint A.adj(y), A.H @ y, and A.conj().T @ y. Note that in this case, A.T returns the non-conjugated transpose of the LinearOperator.

While the cost of evaluating the linear operator is virtually identical for A(x) and A @ x, the A.H and A.conj().T methods are somewhat slower; especially the latter. This is because two intermediate linear operators must be created before the function is evaluated. Evaluating A.conj().T @ y is equivalent to:

def f(y):
  B = A.conj()  # New LinearOperator #1
  C = B.T       # New LinearOperator #2
  return C @ y

Note: the speed differences between these methods vanish if applied inside of a jit-ed function. For instance:

f = jax.jit(lambda x:  A.conj().T @ x)

Public Method

Private Method







The public methods perform shape and type checking to validate the input before either calling the corresponding private method or returning a composite LinearOperator.

Linear Operator Calculus#

SCICO supports several linear operator calculus rules. Given A and B of class LinearOperator and of appropriate shape, x an array of appropriate shape, c a scalar, and O an Operator, we have




A(x) + B(x)


A(x) - B(x)

(c * A)(x)

c * A(x)







A @ B


A @ O




Defining A New Linear Operator#

To define a new linear operator, pass a callable to the LinearOperator constructor

>>> from scico.linop import LinearOperator
>>> A = LinearOperator(input_shape=(32,),
...       eval_fn = lambda x: 2 * x)

Or, use subclassing:

>>> class MyLinearOperator(LinearOperator):
...    def _eval(self, x):
...        return 2 * x

>>> A = MyLinearOperator(input_shape=(32,))

At a minimum, the _eval method must be overridden. If the _adj method is not overriden, the adjoint is determined using scico.linear_adjoint. If either output_shape or output_dtype are unspecified, they are determined by evaluating the Operator on an input of appropriate shape and dtype.

🔪 Sharp Edges 🔪#

Strict Types in Adjoint#

SCICO silently promotes real types to complex types in forward application, but enforces strict type checking in the adjoint. This is due to the strict type-safe nature of jax adjoints.

LinearOperators From External Code#

External code may be wrapped as a subclass of Operator or LinearOperator and used in SCICO optimization routines; however this process can be complicated and error-prone. As a starting point, look at the source for radon_svmbir.TomographicProjector or radon_astra.TomographicProjector and the JAX documentation for the vector-jacobian product and custom VJP rules.


A functional is a mapping from \(\mathbb{R}^n\) or \(\mathbb{C}^n\) to \(\mathbb{R}\). In SCICO, functionals are primarily used to represent a cost to be minimized and are represented by instances of the Functional class. An instance of Functional, f, may provide three core operations.

  • Evaluation
    • f(x) returns the value of the functional evaluated at the point x.

    • A functional that can be evaluated has the attribute f.has_eval == True.

    • Not all functionals can be evaluated: see Plug-and-Play.

  • Gradient
    • f.grad(x) returns the gradient of the functional evaluated at x.

    • Gradients are calculated using JAX reverse-mode automatic differentiation, exposed through scico.grad.

    • Note: The gradient of a functional f can be evaluated even if that functional is not smooth. All that is required is that the functional can be evaluated, f.has_eval == True. However, the result may not be a valid gradient (or subgradient) for all inputs.

  • Proximal operator
    • f.prox(v, lam) returns the result of the scaled proximal operator of f, i.e., the proximal operator of lambda x: lam * f(x), evaluated at the point v.

    • The proximal operator of a functional \(f : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}\) is the mapping \(\mathrm{prox}_f : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n\) defined as

      \[\mathrm{prox}_f (\mb{v}) = \argmin_{\mb{x}} f(\mb{x}) + \frac{1}{2} \norm{\mb{v} - \mb{x}}_2^2\;.\]


For the plug-and-play framework [47], we encapsulate generic denoisers including CNNs in Functional objects that cannot be evaluated. The denoiser is applied via the the proximal operator. For examples, see Usage Examples.

Proximal Calculus#

We support a limited subset of proximal calculus rules:

Scaled Functionals#

Given a scalar c and a functional f with a defined proximal method, we can determine the proximal method of c * f as

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \mathrm{prox}_{c f} (v, \lambda) &= \argmin_x \lambda (c f)(x) + \frac{1}{2} \norm{v - x}_2^2 \\ &= \argmin_x (\lambda c) f(x) + \frac{1}{2} \norm{v - x}_2^2 \\ &= \mathrm{prox}_{f} (v, c \lambda) \;. \end{align}\end{split}\]

Note that we have made no assumptions regarding homogeneity of f; rather, only that the proximal method of f is given in the parameterized form \(\mathrm{prox}_{c f}\).

In SCICO, multiplying a Functional by a scalar will return a ScaledFunctional. This ScaledFunctional retains the has_eval and has_prox attributes from the original Functional, but the proximal method is modified to accomodate the additional scalar.

Separable Functionals#

A separable functional \(f : \mathbb{C}^N \to \mathbb{R}\) can be written as the sum of functionals \(f_i : \mathbb{C}^{N_i} \to \mathbb{R}\) with \(\sum_i N_i = N\). In particular,

\[f(\mb{x}) = f(\mb{x}_1, \dots, \mb{x}_N) = f_1(\mb{x}_1) + \dots + f_N(\mb{x}_N) \;.\]

The proximal operator of a separable \(f\) can be written in terms of the proximal operators of the \(f_i\) (see Theorem 6.6 of [7]):

\[\begin{split}\mathrm{prox}_f(\mb{x}, \lambda) = \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{prox}_{f_1}(\mb{x}_1, \lambda) \\ \vdots \\ \mathrm{prox}_{f_N}(\mb{x}_N, \lambda) \\ \end{pmatrix} \;.\end{split}\]

Separable Functionals are implemented in the SeparableFunctional class. Separable functionals naturally accept BlockArray inputs and return the prox as a BlockArray.

Adding New Functionals#

To add a new functional, create a class which

  1. inherits from base Functional;

  2. has has_eval and has_prox flags;

  3. has _eval and prox methods, as necessary.

For example,

class MyFunctional(scico.functional.Functional):

    has_eval = True
    has_prox = True

    def _eval(self, x: JaxArray) -> float:
         return snp.sum(x)

    def prox(self, x: JaxArray, lam : float) -> JaxArray:
         return x - lam


In SCICO, a loss is a special type of functional

\[f(\mb{x}) = \alpha l( \mb{y}, A(\mb{x}) ) \;,\]

where \(\alpha\) is a scaling parameter, \(l\) is a functional, \(\mb{y}\) is a set of measurements, and \(A\) is an operator. SCICO uses the class Loss to represent losses. Loss functionals commonly arrise in the context of solving inverse problems in scientific imaging, where they are used to represent the mismatch between predicted measurements \(A(\mb{x})\) and actual ones \(\mb{y}\).

Optimization Algorithms#


The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) [25] [23] is an algorithm for minimizing problems of the form

(1)#\[\argmin_{\mb{x}, \mb{z}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(\mb{z}) \; \text{such that} \; \acute{A} \mb{x} + \acute{B} \mb{z} = \mb{c} \;,\]

where \(f\) and \(g\) are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals, \(\acute{A}\) and \(\acute{B}\) are linear operators, and \(\mb{c}\) is a constant vector. (For a thorough introduction and overview, see [12].)

The SCICO ADMM solver, ADMM, solves problems of the form

\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + \sum_{i=1}^N g_i(C_i \mb{x}) \;,\]

where \(f\) and the \(g_i\) are instances of Functional, and the \(C_i\) are LinearOperator, by defining

\[g(\mb{z}) = \sum_{i=1}^N g_i(\mb{z}_i) \qquad \mb{z}_i = C_i \mb{x}\]

in (1), corresponding to defining

\[\begin{split}\acute{A} = \left( \begin{array}{c} C_0 \\ C_1 \\ C_2 \\ \vdots \end{array} \right) \quad \acute{B} = \left( \begin{array}{cccc} -I & 0 & 0 & \ldots \\ 0 & -I & 0 & \ldots \\ 0 & 0 & -I & \ldots \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots \end{array} \right) \quad \mb{z} = \left( \begin{array}{c} \mb{z}_0 \\ \mb{z}_1 \\ \mb{z}_2 \\ \vdots \end{array} \right) \quad \mb{c} = \left( \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \end{array} \right) \;.\end{split}\]

In ADMM, \(f\) is a Functional, typically a Loss, corresponding to the forward model of an imaging problem, and the \(g_i\) are Functional, typically corresponding to a regularization term or constraint. Each of the \(g_i\) must have a proximal operator defined. It is also possible to set f = None, which corresponds to defining \(f = 0\), i.e. the zero function.

Subproblem Solvers#

The most computational expensive component of the ADMM iterations is typically the \(\mb{x}\)-update,

(2)#\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + \sum_i \frac{\rho_i}{2} \norm{\mb{z}^{(k)}_i - \mb{u}^{(k)}_i - C_i \mb{x}}_2^2 \;.\]

The available solvers for this problem are:

  • admm.GenericSubproblemSolver

    This is the default subproblem solver as it is applicable in all cases. It it is only suitable for relatively small-scale problems as it makes use of solver.minimize, which wraps scipy.optimize.minimize.

  • admm.LinearSubproblemSolver

    This subproblem solver can be used when \(f\) takes the form \(\norm{\mb{A} \mb{x} - \mb{y}}^2_W\). It makes use of the conjugate gradient method, and is significantly more efficient than admm.GenericSubproblemSolver when it can be used.

  • admm.MatrixSubproblemSolver

    This subproblem solver can be used when \(f\) takes the form \(\norm{\mb{A} \mb{x} - \mb{y}}^2_W\), and \(A\) and all of the \(C_i\) are diagonal (Diagonal) or matrix operators (MatrixOperator). It exploits a pre-computed matrix factorization for a significantly more efficient solution than conjugate gradient.

  • admm.CircularConvolveSolver

    This subproblem solver can be used when \(f\) takes the form \(\norm{\mb{A} \mb{x} - \mb{y}}^2_W\) and \(\mb{A}\) and all the \(C_i\) s are circulant (i.e., diagonalized by the DFT).

  • admm.FBlockCircularConvolveSolver and admm.G0BlockCircularConvolveSolver

    These subproblem solvers can be used when the primary linear operator is block-circulant (i.e. an operator with blocks that are diagonalied by the DFT).

For more details of these solvers and how to specify them, see the API reference page for scico.optimize.admm.

Proximal ADMM#

Proximal ADMM [18] is an algorithm for solving problems of the form

\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(\mb{z}) \; \text{such that}\; A \mb{x} + B \mb{z} = \mb{c} \;,\]

where \(f\) and \(g\) are are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals and \(A\) and \(B\) are linear operators. Although convergence per iteration is typically somewhat worse than that of ADMM, the iterations can be much cheaper than that of ADMM, giving Proximal ADMM competitive time convergence performance.

The SCICO Proximal ADMM solver, ProximalADMM, requires \(f\) and \(g\) to be instances of Functional, and to have a proximal operator defined (Functional.prox), and \(A\) and \(B\) are required to be an instance of LinearOperator.

Non-Linear Proximal ADMM#

Non-Linear Proximal ADMM [11] is an algorithm for solving problems of the form

\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(\mb{z}) \; \text{such that}\; H(\mb{x}, \mb{z}) = 0 \;,\]

where \(f\) and \(g\) are are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals and \(H\) is a function of two vector variables.

The SCICO Non-Linear Proximal ADMM solver, NonLinearPADMM, requires \(f\) and \(g\) to be instances of Functional, and to have a proximal operator defined (Functional.prox), and \(H\) is required to be an instance of Function.

Linearized ADMM#

Linearized ADMM [55] [41] (Sec. 4.4.2) is an algorithm for solving problems of the form

\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(C \mb{x}) \;,\]

where \(f\) and \(g\) are are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals. Although convergence per iteration is typically significantly worse than that of ADMM, the \(\mb{x}\)-update, can be much cheaper than that of ADMM, giving Linearized ADMM competitive time convergence performance.

The SCICO Linearized ADMM solver, LinearizedADMM, requires \(f\) and \(g\) to be instances of Functional, and to have a proximal operator defined (Functional.prox), and \(C\) is required to be an instance of LinearOperator.


The Primal–Dual Hybrid Gradient (PDHG) algorithm [21] [14] [42] solves problems of the form

\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(C \mb{x}) \;,\]

where \(f\) and \(g\) are are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals. The algorithm has similar advantages over ADMM to those of Linearized ADMM, but typically exhibits better convergence properties.

The SCICO PDHG solver, PDHG, requires \(f\) and \(g\) to be instances of Functional, and to have a proximal operator defined (Functional.prox), and \(C\) is required to be an instance of Operator or LinearOperator.


The Proximal Gradient Method (PGM) [17] [10] and Accelerated Proximal Gradient Method (AcceleratedPGM) [8] are algorithms for minimizing problems of the form

\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} f(\mb{x}) + g(\mb{x}) \;,\]

where \(g\) is convex and \(f\) is smooth and convex. The corresponding SCICO solvers are PGM and AcceleratedPGM respectively. In most cases AcceleratedPGM is expected to provide faster convergence. In both of these classes, \(f\) and \(g\) are both of type Functional, where \(f\) must be differentiable, and \(g\) must have a proximal operator defined.

While ADMM provides significantly more flexibility than PGM, and often converges faster, the latter is preferred when solving the ADMM \(\mb{x}\)-step is very computationally expensive, such as in the case of \(f(\mb{x}) = \norm{\mb{A} \mb{x} - \mb{y}}^2_W\) where \(A\) is large and does not have any special structure that would allow an efficient solution of (2).

Step Size Options#

The step size (usually referred to in terms of its reciprocal, \(L\)) for the gradient descent in PGM can be adapted via Barzilai-Borwein methods (also called spectral methods) and iterative line search methods.

The available step size policy classes are:

  • BBStepSize

    This implements the step size adaptation based on the Barzilai-Borwein method [6]. The step size \(\alpha\) is estimated as

    \[\begin{split}\mb{\Delta x} = \mb{x}_k - \mb{x}_{k-1} \; \\ \mb{\Delta g} = \nabla f(\mb{x}_k) - \nabla f (\mb{x}_{k-1}) \; \\ \alpha = \frac{\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta g}}{\mb{\Delta g}^T \mb{\Delta g}} \;.\end{split}\]

    Since the PGM solver uses the reciprocal of the step size, the value \(L = 1 / \alpha\) is returned.

  • AdaptiveBBStepSize

    This implements the adaptive Barzilai-Borwein method as introduced in [59]. The adaptive step size rule computes

    \[\begin{split}\mb{\Delta x} = \mb{x}_k - \mb{x}_{k-1} \; \\ \mb{\Delta g} = \nabla f(\mb{x}_k) - \nabla f (\mb{x}_{k-1}) \; \\ \alpha^{\mathrm{BB1}} = \frac{\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta x}} {\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta g}} \; \\ \alpha^{\mathrm{BB2}} = \frac{\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta g}} {\mb{\Delta g}^T \mb{\Delta g}} \;.\end{split}\]

    The determination of the new step size is made via the rule

    \[\begin{split}\alpha = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \alpha^{\mathrm{BB2}} & \mathrm{~if~} \alpha^{\mathrm{BB2}} / \alpha^{\mathrm{BB1}} < \kappa \; \\ \alpha^{\mathrm{BB1}} & \mathrm{~otherwise} \end{array} \right . \;,\end{split}\]

    with \(\kappa \in (0, 1)\).

    Since the PGM solver uses the reciprocal of the step size, the value \(L = 1 / \alpha\) is returned.

  • LineSearchStepSize

    This implements the line search strategy described in [8]. This strategy estimates \(L\) such that \(f(\mb{x}) \leq \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x})\) is satisfied with \(\hat{f}_{L}\) a quadratic approximation to \(f\) defined as

    \[\hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x}, \mb{y}) = f(\mb{y}) + \nabla f(\mb{y})^H (\mb{x} - \mb{y}) + \frac{L}{2} \left\| \mb{x} - \mb{y} \right\|_2^2 \;,\]

    with \(\mb{x}\) the potential new update and \(\mb{y}\) the current solution or current extrapolation (if using AcceleratedPGM).

  • RobustLineSearchStepSize

    This implements the robust line search strategy described in [22]. This strategy estimates \(L\) such that \(f(\mb{x}) \leq \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x})\) is satisfied with \(\hat{f}_{L}\) a quadratic approximation to \(f\) defined as

    \[\hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x}, \mb{y}) = f(\mb{y}) + \nabla f(\mb{y})^H (\mb{x} - \mb{y}) + \frac{L}{2} \left\| \mb{x} - \mb{y} \right\|_2^2 \;,\]

    with \(\mb{x}\) the potential new update and \(\mb{y}\) the auxiliary extrapolation state. Note that this should only be used with AcceleratedPGM.

For more details of these step size managers and how to specify them, see the API reference page for scico.optimize.pgm.

Learned Models#

In SCICO, neural network models are used to represent imaging problems and provide different modes of data-driven regularization. The models are implemented in Flax, and constitute a representative sample of frequently used networks.


SCICO interfaces with the implemented models via FlaxMap. This provides a standardized access to all trained models via the model definiton and the learned parameters. Further specialized functionality, such as learned denoisers, are built on top of FlaxMap. The specific models that have been implemented are described below.


The denoiser convolutional neural network model (DnCNN) [58], implemented as DnCNNNet, is used to denoise images that have been corrupted with additive Gaussian noise.


The unrolled optimization with deep priors (ODP) [19], implemented as ODPNet, is used to solve inverse problems in imaging by adapting classical iterative methods into an end-to-end framework that incorporates deep networks as well as knowledge of the image formation model.

The framework aims to solve the optimization problem

\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(A \mb{x}, \mb{y}) + r(\mb{x}) \;,\]

where \(A\) represents a linear forward model and \(r\) a regularization function encoding prior information, by unrolling the iterative solution method into a network where each iteration corresponds to a different stage in the ODP network. Different iterative solutions produce different unrolled optimization algorithms which, in turn, produce different ODP networks. The ones implemented in SCICO are described below.

Proximal Map#

This algorithm corresponds to solving

(3)#\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; \alpha_k \, f(A \mb{x}, \mb{y}) + \frac{1}{2} \| \mb{x} - \mb{x}^k - \mb{x}^{k+1/2} \|_2^2 \;,\]

with \(k\) corresponding to the index of the iteration, which translates to an index of the stage of the network, \(f(A \mb{x}, \mb{y})\) a fidelity term, usually an \(\ell_2\) norm, and \(\mb{x}^{k+1/2}\) a regularization representing \(\mathrm{prox}_r (\mb{x}^k)\) and usually implemented as a convolutional neural network (CNN). This proximal map representation is used when minimization problem (3) can be solved in a computationally efficient manner.

ODPProxDnBlock uses this formulation to solve a denoising problem, which, according to [19], can be solved by

\[\mb{x}^{k+1} = (\alpha_k \, \mb{y} + \mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}) \, / \, (\alpha_k + 1) \;,\]

where \(A\) corresponds to the identity operator and is therefore omitted, \(\mb{y}\) is the noisy signal, \(\alpha_k > 0\) is a learned stage-wise parameter weighting the contribution of the fidelity term and \(\mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}\) is the regularization, usually represented by a residual CNN.

ODPProxDblrBlock uses this formulation to solve a deblurring problem, which, according to [19], can be solved by

\[\mb{x}^{k+1} = \mathcal{F}^{-1} \mathrm{diag} (\alpha_k | \mathcal{F}(K)|^2 + 1 )^{-1} \mathcal{F} \, (\alpha_k K^T * \mb{y} + \mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}) \;,\]

where \(A\) is the blurring operator, \(K\) is the blurring kernel, \(\mb{y}\) is the blurred signal, \(\mathcal{F}\) is the DFT, \(\alpha_k > 0\) is a learned stage-wise parameter weighting the contribution of the fidelity term and \(\mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}\) is the regularization represented by a residual CNN.

Gradient Descent#

When the solution of the optimization problem in (3) can not be simply represented by an analytical step, a formulation based on a gradient descent iteration is preferred. This yields

\[\mb{x}^{k+1} = \mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2} - \alpha_k \, A^T \nabla_x \, f(A \mb{x}^k, \mb{y}) \;,\]

where \(\mb{x}^{k+1/2}\) represents \(\nabla r(\mb{x}^k)\).

ODPGrDescBlock uses this formulation to solve a generic problem with \(\ell_2\) fidelity as

\[\mb{x}^{k+1} = \mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2} - \alpha_k \, A^T (A \mb{x} - \mb{y}) \;,\]

with \(\mb{y}\) the measured signal and \(\mb{x} + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}\) a residual CNN.


The model-based deep learning (MoDL) [1], implemented as MoDLNet, is used to solve inverse problems in imaging also by adapting classical iterative methods into an end-to-end deep learning framework, but, in contrast to ODP, it solves the optimization problem

\[\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; \| A \mb{x} - \mb{y}\|_2^2 + \lambda \, \| \mb{x} - \mathrm{D}_w(\mb{x})\|_2^2 \;,\]

by directly computing the update

\[\mb{x}^{k+1} = (A^T A + \lambda \, I)^{-1} (A^T \mb{y} + \lambda \, \mb{z}^k) \;,\]

via conjugate gradient. The regularization \(\mb{z}^k = \mathrm{D}_w(\mb{x}^{k})\) incorporates prior information, usually in the form of a denoiser model. In this case, the denoiser \(\mathrm{D}_w\) is shared between all the stages of the network requiring relatively less memory than other unrolling methods. This also allows for deploying a different number of iterations in testing than the ones used in training.