Installing SCICO#

SCICO requires Python version 3.8 or later. (Version 3.9 is recommended as it is the version under which SCICO has been most thoroughly tested.) It is supported on both Linux and macOS, but is not currently supported on Windows due to the limited support for jaxlib on Windows. However, Windows users can use SCICO via the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Guides exist for using WSL with CPU only and with GPU support.

From PyPI#

The simplest way to install the most recent release of SCICO from PyPI is

pip install scico

From GitHub#

SCICO can be downloaded from the GitHub repo. Note that, since the SCICO repo has a submodule, it should be cloned via the command

git clone --recurse-submodules

Install using the commands

cd scico
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

GPU Support#

The instructions above install a CPU-only version of SCICO. To install a version with GPU support:

  1. Follow the CPU-only instructions, above

  2. Install the version of jaxlib with GPU support, as described in the JAX installation instructions. In the simplest case, the appropriate command is

    pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda11]"

    for CUDA 11, or

    pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda12]"

    for CUDA 12, but it may be necessary to explicitly specify the jaxlib version if the most recent release is not yet supported by SCICO (as specified in the requirements.txt file), or if using a version of CUDA older than 11.4, or CuDNN older than 8.2, in which case the command would be of the form

    pip install --upgrade "jaxlib==0.4.2+cuda11.cudnn82" -f

    with appropriate substitution of jaxlib, CUDA, and CuDNN version numbers.

Additional Dependencies#

See Example Dependencies for instructions on installing dependencies related to the examples.

For Developers#

See Contributing for instructions on installing a version of SCICO suitable for development.