Source code for scico.optimize._pgmaux

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SCICO package. Details of the copyright and
# user license can be found in the 'LICENSE' file distributed with the
# package.

"""Proximal Gradient Method auxiliary classes."""

# Needed to annotate a class method that returns the encapsulating class;
# see
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Union

import jax

import scico.numpy as snp
import scico.optimize.pgm as sop
from scico.numpy import Array, BlockArray

class PGMStepSize:
    r"""Base class for computing the PGM step size.

    Base class for computing the reciprocal of the step size for PGM

    The PGM solver implemented by :class:`.PGM` addresses a general
    proximal gradient form that requires the specification of a step size
    for the gradient descent step. This class is a base class for methods
    that estimate the reciprocal of the step size (:math:`L` in PGM

        pgm (:class:`.PGM`): PGM solver object to which the solver is

[docs] def internal_init(self, pgm: sop.PGM): """Second stage initializer to be called by :meth:`.PGM.__init__`. Args: pgm: Reference to :class:`.PGM` object to which the :class:`.StepSize` object is to be attached. """ self.pgm = pgm
[docs] def update(self, v: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: """Hook for updating the step size in derived classes. Hook for updating the reciprocal of the step size in derived classes. The base class does not compute any update. Args: v: Current solution or current extrapolation (if accelerated PGM). Returns: Current reciprocal of the step size. """ return self.pgm.L
class BBStepSize(PGMStepSize): r"""Scheme for step size estimation based on Barzilai-Borwein method. The Barzilai-Borwein method :cite:`barzilai-1988-stepsize` estimates the step size :math:`\alpha` as .. math:: \mb{\Delta x} = \mb{x}_k - \mb{x}_{k-1} \; \\ \mb{\Delta g} = \nabla f(\mb{x}_k) - \nabla f (\mb{x}_{k-1}) \; \\ \alpha = \frac{\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta g}}{\mb{\Delta g}^T \mb{\Delta g}} \;\;. Since the PGM solver uses the reciprocal of the step size, the value :math:`L = 1 / \alpha` is returned. When applied to complex-valued problems, only the real part of the inner product is used. When the inner product is negative, the previous iterate is used instead. Attributes: pgm (:class:`.PGM`): PGM solver object to which the solver is attached. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize a :class:`BBStepSize` object.""" self.xprev = None self.gradprev = None
[docs] def update(self, v: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: """Update the reciprocal of the step size. Args: v: Current solution or current extrapolation (if accelerated PGM). Returns: Updated reciprocal of the step size. """ if self.xprev is None: # Solution and gradient of previous iterate are required. # For first iteration these variables are stored and current estimate is returned. self.xprev = v self.gradprev = self.pgm.f.grad(self.xprev) L = self.pgm.L else: Δx = v - self.xprev gradv = self.pgm.f.grad(v) Δg = gradv - self.gradprev # Taking real part of inner products in case of complex-value problem. den = snp.real(snp.sum(Δx.conj() * Δg)) num = snp.real(snp.sum(Δg.conj() * Δg)) L = num / den # Revert to previous iterate if update results in nan or negative value. if snp.isnan(L) or L <= 0.0: L = self.pgm.L # Store current state and gradient for next update. self.xprev = v self.gradprev = gradv return L
class AdaptiveBBStepSize(PGMStepSize): r"""Adaptive Barzilai-Borwein method to determine step size. Adaptive Barzilai-Borwein method to determine step size in PGM, as introduced in :cite:`zhou-2006-adaptive`. The adaptive step size rule computes .. math:: \mb{\Delta x} = \mb{x}_k - \mb{x}_{k-1} \; \\ \mb{\Delta g} = \nabla f(\mb{x}_k) - \nabla f (\mb{x}_{k-1}) \; \\ \alpha^{\mathrm{BB1}} = \frac{\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta x}} {\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta g}} \; \\ \alpha^{\mathrm{BB2}} = \frac{\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta g}} {\mb{\Delta g}^T \mb{\Delta g}} \;\;. The determination of the new steps size is made via the rule .. math:: \alpha = \left\{ \begin{matrix} \alpha^{\mathrm{BB2}} & \mathrm{~if~} \alpha^{\mathrm{BB2}} / \alpha^{\mathrm{BB1}} < \kappa \; \\ \alpha^{\mathrm{BB1}} & \mathrm{~otherwise} \end{matrix} \right . \;, with :math:`\kappa \in (0, 1)`. Since the PGM solver uses the reciprocal of the step size, the value :math:`L = 1 / \alpha` is returned. When applied to complex-valued problems, only the real part of the inner product is used. When the inner product is negative, the previous iterate is used instead. Attributes: pgm (:class:`.PGM`): PGM solver object to which the solver is attached. """ def __init__(self, kappa: float = 0.5): r"""Initialize a :class:`AdaptiveBBStepSize` object. Args: kappa : Threshold for step size selection :math:`\kappa`. """ self.kappa: float = kappa self.xprev: Union[Array, BlockArray] = None self.gradprev: Union[Array, BlockArray] = None self.Lbb1prev: Optional[float] = None self.Lbb2prev: Optional[float] = None
[docs] def update(self, v: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: """Update the reciprocal of the step size. Args: v: Current solution or current extrapolation (if accelerated PGM). Returns: Updated reciprocal of the step size. """ if self.xprev is None: # Solution and gradient of previous iterate are required. # For first iteration these variables are stored and current estimate is returned. self.xprev = v self.gradprev = self.pgm.f.grad(self.xprev) L = self.pgm.L else: Δx = v - self.xprev gradv = self.pgm.f.grad(v) Δg = gradv - self.gradprev # Taking real part of inner products in case of complex-value problem. innerxx = snp.real(snp.sum(Δx.conj() * Δx)) innerxg = snp.real(snp.sum(Δx.conj() * Δg)) innergg = snp.real(snp.sum(Δg.conj() * Δg)) Lbb1 = innerxg / innerxx # Revert to previous iterate if computation results in nan or negative value. if snp.isnan(Lbb1) or Lbb1 <= 0.0: Lbb1 = self.Lbb1prev Lbb2 = innergg / innerxg # Revert to previous iterate if computation results in nan or negative value. if snp.isnan(Lbb2) or Lbb2 <= 0.0: Lbb2 = self.Lbb2prev # If possible, apply adaptive selection rule, if not, revert to previous iterate if Lbb1 is not None and Lbb2 is not None: if (Lbb1 / Lbb2) < self.kappa: L = Lbb2 else: L = Lbb1 else: L = self.pgm.L # Store current state and gradient for next update. self.xprev = v self.gradprev = gradv # Store current estimates of Barzilai-Borwein 1 (Lbb1) and Barzilai-Borwein 2 (Lbb2). self.Lbb1prev = Lbb1 self.Lbb2prev = Lbb2 return L
class LineSearchStepSize(PGMStepSize): r"""Line search for estimating the step size for PGM solvers. Line search for estimating the reciprocal of step size for PGM solvers. The line search strategy described in :cite:`beck-2009-fast` estimates :math:`L` such that :math:`f(\mb{x}) <= \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x})` is satisfied with :math:`\hat{f}_{L}` a quadratic approximation to :math:`f` defined as .. math:: \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x}, \mb{y}) = f(\mb{y}) + \nabla f(\mb{y})^H (\mb{x} - \mb{y}) + \frac{L}{2} \left\| \mb{x} - \mb{y} \right\|_2^2 \;, with :math:`\mb{x}` the potential new update and :math:`\mb{y}` the current solution or current extrapolation (if accelerated PGM). Attributes: pgm (:class:`.PGM`): PGM solver object to which the solver is attached. """ def __init__(self, gamma_u: float = 1.2, maxiter: int = 50): r"""Initialize a :class:`LineSearchStepSize` object. Args: gamma_u: Rate of increment in :math:`L`. maxiter: Maximum iterations in line search. """ self.gamma_u: float = gamma_u self.maxiter: int = maxiter def g_prox(v, gradv, L): return self.pgm.g.prox(v - 1.0 / L * gradv, 1.0 / L) self.g_prox = jax.jit(g_prox)
[docs] def update(self, v: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: """Update the reciprocal of the step size. Args: v: Current solution or current extrapolation (if accelerated PGM). Returns: Updated reciprocal of the step size. """ gradv = self.pgm.f.grad(v) L = self.pgm.L it = 0 while it < self.maxiter: z = self.g_prox(v, gradv, L) fz = self.pgm.f(z) fquad = self.pgm.f_quad_approx(z, v, L) if fz <= fquad: break else: L *= self.gamma_u it += 1 return L
class RobustLineSearchStepSize(LineSearchStepSize): r"""Robust line search for estimating the accelerated PGM step size. A robust line search for estimating the reciprocal of step size for accelerated PGM solvers. The robust line search strategy described in :cite:`florea-2017-robust` estimates :math:`L` such that :math:`f(\mb{x}) <= \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x})` is satisfied with :math:`\hat{f}_{L}` a quadratic approximation to :math:`f` defined as .. math:: \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x}, \mb{y}) = f(\mb{y}) + \nabla f(\mb{y})^H (\mb{x} - \mb{y}) + \frac{L}{2} \left\| \mb{x} - \mb{y} \right\|_2^2 \;, with :math:`\mb{x}` the potential new update and :math:`\mb{y}` the auxiliary extrapolation state. Attributes: pgm (:class:`.PGM`): PGM solver object to which the solver is attached. """ def __init__(self, gamma_d: float = 0.9, gamma_u: float = 2.0, maxiter: int = 50): r"""Initialize a :class:`RobustLineSearchStepSize` object. Args: gamma_d: Rate of decrement in :math:`L`. gamma_u: Rate of increment in :math:`L`. maxiter: Maximum iterations in line search. """ super(RobustLineSearchStepSize, self).__init__(gamma_u, maxiter) self.gamma_d: float = gamma_d self.Tk: float = 0.0 # State needed for computing auxiliary extrapolation sequence in robust line search. self.Zrb: Union[Array, BlockArray] = None #: Current estimate of solution in robust line search. self.Z: Union[Array, BlockArray] = None
[docs] def update(self, v: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: """Update the reciprocal of the step size. Args: v: Current solution or current extrapolation (if accelerated PGM). Returns: Updated reciprocal of the step size. """ if self.Zrb is None: self.Zrb = self.pgm.x L = self.pgm.L * self.gamma_d it = 0 while it < self.maxiter: t = (1.0 + snp.sqrt(1.0 + 4.0 * L * self.Tk)) / (2.0 * L) T = self.Tk + t # Auxiliary extrapolation sequence. y = (self.Tk * self.pgm.x + t * self.Zrb) / T # New update based on auxiliary extrapolation and current L estimate. z = self.pgm.x_step(y, L) fz = self.pgm.f(z) fquad = self.pgm.f_quad_approx(z, y, L) if fz <= fquad: break else: L *= self.gamma_u it += 1 self.Tk = T self.Zrb += t * L * (z - y) self.Z = z return L