Source code for scico.numpy.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SPORCO package. Details of the copyright
# and user license can be found in the 'LICENSE.txt' file distributed
# with the package.

"""Utility functions for working with jax arrays and BlockArrays."""

from __future__ import annotations

from math import prod
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

import jax

import scico.numpy as snp
from scico.typing import ArrayIndex, Axes, AxisIndex, BlockShape, DType, Shape

from ._blockarray import BlockArray

[docs]def parse_axes( axes: Axes, shape: Optional[Shape] = None, default: Optional[List[int]] = None ) -> List[int]: """Normalize `axes` to a list and optionally ensure correctness. Normalize `axes` to a list and (optionally) ensure that entries refer to axes that exist in `shape`. Args: axes: User specification of one or more axes: int, list, tuple, or ``None``. shape: The shape of the array of which axes are being specified. If not ``None``, `axes` is checked to make sure its entries refer to axes that exist in `shape`. default: Default value to return if `axes` is ``None``. By default, `list(range(len(shape)))`. Returns: List of axes (never an int, never ``None``). """ if axes is None: if default is None: if shape is None: raise ValueError( "Parameter axes cannot be None without a default or shape specified." ) axes = list(range(len(shape))) else: axes = default elif isinstance(axes, (list, tuple)): axes = axes elif isinstance(axes, int): axes = (axes,) else: raise ValueError(f"Could not understand axes {axes} as a list of axes.") if shape is not None and max(axes) >= len(shape): raise ValueError( f"Invalid axes {axes} specified; each axis must be less than `len(shape)`={len(shape)}." ) if len(set(axes)) != len(axes): raise ValueError(f"Duplicate value in axes {axes}; each axis must be unique.") return axes
[docs]def slice_length(length: int, idx: AxisIndex) -> Optional[int]: """Determine the length of an array axis after indexing. Determine the length of an array axis after slicing. An exception is raised if the indexing expression is an integer that is out of bounds for the specified axis length. A value of ``None`` is returned for valid integer indexing expressions as an indication that the corresponding axis shape is an empty tuple; this value should be converted to a unit integer if the axis size is required. Args: length: Length of axis being sliced. idx: Indexing/slice to be applied to axis. Returns: Length of indexed/sliced axis. Raises: ValueError: If `idx` is an integer index that is out bounds for the axis length. """ if idx is Ellipsis: return length if isinstance(idx, int): if idx < -length or idx > length - 1: raise ValueError(f"Index {idx} out of bounds for axis of length {length}.") return None start, stop, stride = idx.indices(length) if start > stop: start = stop return (stop - start + stride - 1) // stride
[docs]def indexed_shape(shape: Shape, idx: ArrayIndex) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Determine the shape of an array after indexing/slicing. Args: shape: Shape of array. idx: Indexing expression. Returns: Shape of indexed/sliced array. Raises: ValueError: If `idx` is longer than `shape`. """ if not isinstance(idx, tuple): idx = (idx,) if len(idx) > len(shape): raise ValueError(f"Slice {idx} has more dimensions than shape {shape}.") idx_shape: List[Optional[int]] = list(shape) offset = 0 for axis, ax_idx in enumerate(idx): if ax_idx is Ellipsis: offset = len(shape) - len(idx) continue idx_shape[axis + offset] = slice_length(shape[axis + offset], ax_idx) return tuple(filter(lambda x: x is not None, idx_shape)) # type: ignore
[docs]def no_nan_divide( x: Union[BlockArray, snp.Array], y: Union[BlockArray, snp.Array] ) -> Union[BlockArray, snp.Array]: """Return `x/y`, with 0 instead of :data:`~numpy.NaN` where `y` is 0. Args: x: Numerator. y: Denominator. Returns: `x / y` with 0 wherever `y == 0`. """ return snp.where(y != 0, snp.divide(x, snp.where(y != 0, y, 1)), 0)
[docs]def shape_to_size(shape: Union[Shape, BlockShape]) -> int: r"""Compute array size corresponding to a specified shape. Compute array size corresponding to a specified shape, which may be nested, i.e. corresponding to a :class:`.BlockArray`. Args: shape: A shape tuple. Returns: The number of elements in an array or :class:`.BlockArray` with shape `shape`. """ if is_nested(shape): return sum(prod(s) for s in shape) return prod(shape)
[docs]def is_arraylike(x: Any) -> bool: """Check if input is of type :class:`jax.ArrayLike`. `isinstance(x, jax.typing.ArrayLike)` does not work in Python < 3.10, see Args: x: Object to be tested. Returns: ``True`` if `x` is an ArrayLike, ``False`` otherwise. """ return isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, jax.Array)) or np.isscalar(x)
[docs]def is_nested(x: Any) -> bool: """Check if input is a list/tuple containing at least one list/tuple. Args: x: Object to be tested. Returns: ``True`` if `x` is a list/tuple containing at least one list/tuple, ``False`` otherwise. Example: >>> is_nested([1, 2, 3]) False >>> is_nested([(1,2), (3,)]) True >>> is_nested([[1, 2], 3]) True """ return isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and any([isinstance(_, (list, tuple)) for _ in x])
[docs]def broadcast_nested_shapes( shape_a: Union[Shape, BlockShape], shape_b: Union[Shape, BlockShape] ) -> Union[Shape, BlockShape]: r"""Compute the result of broadcasting on array shapes. Compute the result of applying a broadcasting binary operator to (block) arrays with (possibly nested) shapes `shape_a` and `shape_b`. Extends :func:`numpy.broadcast_shapes` to also support the nested tuple shapes of :class:`.BlockArray`\ s. Args: shape_a: First array shape. shape_b: Second array shape. Returns: A (possibly nested) shape tuple. Example: >>> broadcast_nested_shapes(((1, 1, 3), (2, 3, 1)), ((2, 3,), (2, 1, 4))) ((1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 4)) """ if not is_nested(shape_a) and not is_nested(shape_b): return snp.broadcast_shapes(shape_a, shape_b) if is_nested(shape_a) and not is_nested(shape_b): return tuple(snp.broadcast_shapes(s, shape_b) for s in shape_a) if not is_nested(shape_a) and is_nested(shape_b): return tuple(snp.broadcast_shapes(shape_a, s) for s in shape_b) if is_nested(shape_a) and is_nested(shape_b): return tuple(snp.broadcast_shapes(s_a, s_b) for s_a, s_b in zip(shape_a, shape_b))
[docs]def is_real_dtype(dtype: DType) -> bool: """Determine whether a dtype is real. Args: dtype: A :mod:`numpy` or :mod:`scico.numpy` dtype (e.g. :attr:`~numpy.float32`, :attr:`~numpy.complex64`). Returns: ``False`` if the dtype is complex, otherwise ``True``. """ return snp.dtype(dtype).kind != "c"
[docs]def is_complex_dtype(dtype: DType) -> bool: """Determine whether a dtype is complex. Args: dtype: A :mod:`numpy` or :mod:`scico.numpy` dtype (e.g. :attr:`~numpy.float32`, :attr:`~numpy.complex64`). Returns: ``True`` if the dtype is complex, otherwise ``False``. """ return snp.dtype(dtype).kind == "c"
[docs]def real_dtype(dtype: DType) -> DType: """Construct the corresponding real dtype for a given complex dtype. Construct the corresponding real dtype for a given complex dtype, e.g. the real dtype corresponding to :attr:`~numpy.complex64` is :attr:`~numpy.float32`. Args: dtype: A complex numpy or scico.numpy dtype (e.g. :attr:`~numpy.complex64`, :attr:`~numpy.complex128`). Returns: The real dtype corresponding to the input dtype """ return snp.zeros(1, dtype).real.dtype
[docs]def complex_dtype(dtype: DType) -> DType: """Construct the corresponding complex dtype for a given real dtype. Construct the corresponding complex dtype for a given real dtype, e.g. the complex dtype corresponding to :attr:`~numpy.float32` is :attr:`~numpy.complex64`. Args: dtype: A real numpy or scico.numpy dtype (e.g. :attr:`~numpy.float32`, :attr:`~numpy.float64`). Returns: The complex dtype corresponding to the input dtype. """ return (snp.zeros(1, dtype) + 1j).dtype
[docs]def is_scalar_equiv(s: Any) -> bool: """Determine whether an object is a scalar or is scalar-equivalent. Determine whether an object is a scalar or a singleton array. Args: s: Object to be tested. Returns: ``True`` if the object is a scalar or a singleton array, otherwise ``False``. """ return snp.isscalar(s) or (isinstance(s, jax.Array) and s.ndim == 0)