Source code for scico.linop._circconv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SCICO package. Details of the copyright and
# user license can be found in the 'LICENSE' file distributed with the
# package.

"""Circular convolution linear operators."""

import math
import operator
from functools import partial
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

import jax
from jax.dtypes import result_type

import scico.numpy as snp
from scico.numpy.util import is_nested
from scico.operator import Operator
from scico.typing import DType, Shape

from ._linop import LinearOperator, _wrap_add_sub, _wrap_mul_div_scalar

class CircularConvolve(LinearOperator):
    r"""A circular convolution linear operator.

    This linear operator implements circular, multi-dimensional
    convolution via pointwise multiplication in the DFT domain. In its
    simplest form, it implements a single convolution and can be
    represented by linear operator :math:`H` such that

    .. math::
       H \mb{x} = \mb{h} \ast \mb{x} \;,

    where :math:`\mb{h}` is a user-defined filter.

    More complex forms, corresponding to the case where either the input
    (as represented by parameter `input_shape`) or filter (parameter `h`)
    have additional axes that are not involved in the convolution are
    also supported. These follow numpy broadcasting rules. For example:

    Additional axes in the input :math:`\mb{x}` and not in :math:`\mb{h}`
    corresponds to the operation

    .. math::
       H \mb{x} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}  H' & 0 & \ldots\\
                                            0 & H' & \ldots\\
                                            \vdots & \vdots & \ddots
                        \end{array} \right)
       \left( \begin{array}{c}  \mb{x}_0\\ \mb{x}_1\\ \vdots \end{array}
       \right) \;.

    Additional axes in :math:`\mb{h}` corresponds to multiple filters,
    which will be denoted by :math:`\{\mb{h}_m\}`, with corresponding
    individual linear operations being denoted by :math:`h_m \mb{x}_m =
    \mb{h}_m \ast \mb{x}_m`. The full linear operator can then be
    represented as

    .. math::
       H \mb{x} = \left( \begin{array}{c}  H_0\\ H_1\\ \vdots \end{array}
       \right) \mb{x} \;.

    if the input is singleton, and as

    .. math::
       H \mb{x} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}  H_0 & 0 & \ldots\\
                                            0 & H_1 & \ldots\\
                                            \vdots & \vdots & \ddots
                        \end{array} \right)
       \left( \begin{array}{c}  \mb{x}_0\\ \mb{x}_1\\ \vdots \end{array}


    def __init__(
        h: snp.Array,
        input_shape: Shape,
        ndims: Optional[int] = None,
        input_dtype: DType = snp.float32,
        h_is_dft: bool = False,
        h_center: Optional[Union[snp.Array, Sequence, float, int]] = None,
        jit: bool = True,
            h: Array of filters.
            input_shape: Shape of input array.
            ndims: Number of (trailing) dimensions of the input and `h`
                involved in the convolution. Defaults to the number of
                dimensions in the input.
            input_dtype: `dtype` for input argument. Defaults to
            h_is_dft: Flag indicating whether `h` is in the DFT domain.
            h_center: Array of length `ndims` specifying the center of
                the filter. Defaults to the upper left corner, i.e.,
                `h_center = [0, 0, ..., 0]`, may be noninteger. May be a
                ``float`` or ``int`` if `h` is one-dimensional.
            jit:  If ``True``, jit the evaluation, adjoint, and gram
                functions of the :class:`LinearOperator`.

        if ndims is None:
            self.ndims = len(input_shape)
            self.ndims = ndims

        if h_is_dft and h_center is not None:
            raise ValueError("Parameter h_center must be None when h_is_dft=True.")
        self.h_center = h_center

        if h_is_dft:
            self.h_dft = h
            output_dtype = snp.dtype(input_dtype)  # cannot infer from h_dft because it is complex
            fft_shape = input_shape[-self.ndims :]
            fft_axes = list(range(h.ndim - self.ndims, h.ndim))
            self.h_dft = snp.fft.fftn(h, s=fft_shape, axes=fft_axes)
            output_dtype = result_type(h.dtype, input_dtype)

            if self.h_center is not None:
                if isinstance(self.h_center, jax.Array):
                    offset = -self.h_center  # type: ignore
                    # support float or int values for h_center
                    if isinstance(self.h_center, (float, int)):
                        offset = -snp.array(
                    else:  # support list/tuple values for h_center
                        offset = -snp.array(self.h_center)
                shifts: Tuple[np.ndarray, ...] = np.ix_(
                            # see doi:10.1109/78.700979 and doi:10.1109/LSP.2012.2191280
                            [np.arange(s) < s / 2, np.arange(s) == s / 2, np.arange(s) > s / 2],
                                np.exp(-1j * k * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(s) / s),
                                np.cos(k * np.pi),
                                np.exp(1j * k * 2 * np.pi * (s - np.arange(s)) / s),
                            ],  # type: ignore
                        for k, s in zip(offset, input_shape[-self.ndims :])
                # prevent accidental promotion to double
                shifts = tuple(s.astype(self.h_dft) for s in shifts)
                shift =  # warns
                self.h_dft = self.h_dft * shift

        self.real = output_dtype.kind != "c"

            output_shape = np.broadcast_shapes(self.h_dft.shape, input_shape)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Shape of h after padding was {self.h_dft.shape}, needs to be compatible "
                f"for broadcasting with {input_shape}."

        self.batch_axes = tuple(
            range(0, len(output_shape) - len(input_shape))
        )  # used in adjoint to undo broadcasting

        self.ifft_axes = list(range(len(output_shape) - self.ndims, len(output_shape)))
        self.x_fft_axes = list(range(len(input_shape) - self.ndims, len(input_shape)))


    def _eval(self, x: snp.Array) -> snp.Array:
        x = x.astype(self.input_dtype)
        x_dft = snp.fft.fftn(x, axes=self.x_fft_axes)
        hx = snp.fft.ifftn(
            self.h_dft * x_dft,
        if self.real:
            hx = hx.real
        return hx

    def _adj(self, x: snp.Array) -> snp.Array:  # type: ignore
        x_dft = snp.fft.fftn(x, axes=self.ifft_axes)
        H_adj_x = snp.fft.ifftn(
            snp.conj(self.h_dft) * x_dft,
            s=self.input_shape[-self.ndims :],
        H_adj_x = snp.sum(H_adj_x, axis=self.batch_axes)  # adjoint of the broadcast
        if self.real:
            H_adj_x = H_adj_x.real
        return H_adj_x

    @partial(_wrap_add_sub, op=operator.add)
    def __add__(self, other):
        if self.ndims != other.ndims:
            raise ValueError(f"Incompatible ndims: {self.ndims} != {other.ndims}.")

        return CircularConvolve(
            h=self.h_dft + other.h_dft,
            input_dtype=result_type(self.input_dtype, other.input_dtype),

    @partial(_wrap_add_sub, op=operator.sub)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        if self.ndims != other.ndims:
            raise ValueError(f"Incompatible ndims: {self.ndims} != {other.ndims}.")

        return CircularConvolve(
            h=self.h_dft - other.h_dft,
            input_dtype=result_type(self.input_dtype, other.input_dtype),

    def __mul__(self, scalar):
        return CircularConvolve(
            h=self.h_dft * scalar,

    def __rmul__(self, scalar):
        return self * scalar

    def __truediv__(self, scalar):
        return CircularConvolve(
            h=self.h_dft / scalar,

[docs] @staticmethod def from_operator( H: Operator, ndims: Optional[int] = None, center: Optional[Shape] = None, jit: bool = True ): r"""Construct a CircularConvolve version of a given operator. Construct a CircularConvolve version of a given operator, which is assumed to be linear and shift invariant (LSI). Args: H: Input operator. ndims: Number of trailing dims over which the H acts. center: Location at which to place the Kronecker delta. For LSI inputs, this will not matter. Defaults to the center of H.input_shape, i.e., (n_1 // 2, n_2 // 2, ...). jit: If ``True``, jit the resulting `CircularConvolve`. """ if is_nested(H.input_shape): raise ValueError( f"H.input_shape ({H.input_shape}) suggests that H " "takes a BlockArray as input, which is not supported " "by this function." ) if ndims is None: ndims = len(H.input_shape) else: ndims = ndims if center is None: center = tuple(d // 2 for d in H.input_shape[-ndims:]) # type: ignore # compute impulse response d = snp.zeros(H.input_shape, H.input_dtype) d =[(Ellipsis,) + center].set(1.0) Hd = H @ d # build CircularConvolve return CircularConvolve( Hd, H.input_shape, # type: ignore ndims=ndims, input_dtype=H.input_dtype, h_center=snp.array(center), jit=jit, )
def _gradient_filters( ndim: int, axes: Shape, shape: Shape, dtype: DType = snp.float32 ) -> snp.Array: r"""Construct filters for computing gradients in the frequency domain. Construct a set of filters for computing gradients in the frequency domain. Args: ndim: Total number of dimensions in array in which gradients are to be computed. axes: Axes on which gradients are to be computed. shape: Shape of axes on which gradients are to be computed. dtype: Data type of output arrays. Returns: An array of frequency domain gradient operators :math:`\hat{G}_i`. """ g = snp.zeros( [ len(axes), ] + [2 if k in axes else 1 for k in range(ndim)], dtype, ) # put a finite difference along each axis in axes for layer, axis in enumerate(axes): idx = tuple(slice(None) if k == axis else 0 for k in range(0, g.ndim - 1)) idx = (layer,) + idx ref =[idx] g = ref.set([1, -1]) fft_axes = [ax + 1 for ax in axes] # first axis is batch Gf = snp.fft.fftn(g, shape, axes=fft_axes) return Gf