Source code for scico.functional._functional

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SCICO package. Details of the copyright and
# user license can be found in the 'LICENSE' file distributed with the
# package.

"""Functional base class."""

# Needed to annotate a class method that returns the encapsulating class;
# see
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Optional, Union

import scico
from scico import numpy as snp
from scico.numpy import Array, BlockArray

class Functional:
    r"""Base class for functionals.

    A functional maps an :code:`array-like` to a scalar; abstractly, a
    functional is a mapping from :math:`\mathbb{R}^n` or
    :math:`\mathbb{C}^n` to :math:`\mathbb{R}`.

    #: True if this functional can be evaluated, False otherwise.
    #: This attribute must be overridden and set to True or False in any derived classes.
    has_eval: Optional[bool] = None

    #: True if this functional has the prox method, False otherwise.
    #: This attribute must be overridden and set to True or False in any derived classes.
    has_prox: Optional[bool] = None

    def __init__(self):
        self._grad = scico.grad(self.__call__)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"""{type(self)} (has_eval = {self.has_eval}, has_prox = {self.has_prox})"""

    def __mul__(self, other: Union[float, int]) -> ScaledFunctional:
        if snp.util.is_scalar_equiv(other):
            return ScaledFunctional(self, other)
        return NotImplemented

    def __rmul__(self, other: Union[float, int]) -> ScaledFunctional:
        return self.__mul__(other)

    def __add__(self, other: Functional) -> FunctionalSum:
        if isinstance(other, Functional):
            return FunctionalSum(self, other)
        return NotImplemented

[docs] def __call__(self, x: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: r"""Evaluate this functional at point :math:`\mb{x}`. Args: x: Point at which to evaluate this functional. """ # Functionals that can be evaluated should override this method. raise NotImplementedError(f"Functional {type(self)} cannot be evaluated.")
[docs] def prox( self, v: Union[Array, BlockArray], lam: float = 1.0, **kwargs ) -> Union[Array, BlockArray]: r"""Scaled proximal operator of functional. Evaluate scaled proximal operator of this functional, with scaling :math:`\lambda` = `lam` and evaluated at point :math:`\mb{v}` = `v`. The scaled proximal operator is defined as .. math:: \prox_{\lambda f}(\mb{v}) = \argmin_{\mb{x}} \lambda f(\mb{x}) + \frac{1}{2} \norm{\mb{v} - \mb{x}}_2^2\;, where :math:`\lambda f(\mb{x})` represents this functional evaluated at :math:`\mb{x}` multiplied by :math:`\lambda`. Args: v: Point at which to evaluate prox function. lam: Proximal parameter :math:`\lambda`. kwargs: Additional arguments that may be used by derived classes. These include `x0`, an initial guess for the minimizer in the definition of :math:`\prox`. """ # Functionals that have a prox should override this method. raise NotImplementedError(f"Functional {type(self)} does not have a prox.")
[docs] def conj_prox( self, v: Union[Array, BlockArray], lam: float = 1.0, **kwargs ) -> Union[Array, BlockArray]: r"""Scaled proximal operator of convex conjugate of functional. Evaluate scaled proximal operator of convex conjugate (Fenchel conjugate) of this functional, with scaling :math:`\lambda` = `lam`, and evaluated at point :math:`\mb{v}` = `v`. Denoting this functional by :math:`f` and its convex conjugate by :math:`f^*`, the proximal operator of :math:`f^*` is computed as follows by exploiting the extended Moreau decomposition (see Sec. 6.6 of :cite:`beck-2017-first`) .. math:: \prox_{\lambda f^*}(\mb{v}) = \mb{v} - \lambda \, \prox_{\lambda^{-1} f}(\mb{v / \lambda}) \;. Args: v: Point at which to evaluate prox function. lam: Proximal parameter :math:`\lambda`. kwargs: Additional keyword args, passed directly to `self.prox`. """ return v - lam * self.prox(v / lam, 1.0 / lam, **kwargs)
[docs] def grad(self, x: Union[Array, BlockArray]): r"""Evaluates the gradient of this functional at :math:`\mb{x}`. Args: x: Point at which to evaluate gradient. """ return self._grad(x)
class ScaledFunctional(Functional): r"""A functional multiplied by a scalar.""" def __init__(self, functional: Functional, scale: float): self.functional = functional self.scale = scale self.has_eval = functional.has_eval self.has_prox = functional.has_prox super().__init__() def __repr__(self): return ( "Scaled functional of type " + str(type(self.functional)) + f" (scale = {self.scale})" )
[docs] def __call__(self, x: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: return self.scale * self.functional(x)
def __mul__(self, other: Union[float, int]) -> ScaledFunctional: if snp.util.is_scalar_equiv(other): return ScaledFunctional(self.functional, other * self.scale) return NotImplemented
[docs] def prox( self, v: Union[Array, BlockArray], lam: float = 1.0, **kwargs ) -> Union[Array, BlockArray]: r"""Evaluate the scaled proximal operator of the scaled functional. Note that, by definition, the scaled proximal operator of a functional is the proximal operator of the scaled functional. The scaled proximal operator of a scaled functional is the scaled proximal operator of the unscaled functional with the proximal operator scaling consisting of the product of the two scaling factors, i.e., for functional :math:`f` and scaling factors :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta`, the proximal operator with scaling parameter :math:`\alpha` of scaled functional :math:`\beta f` is the proximal operator with scaling parameter :math:`\alpha \beta` of functional :math:`f`, .. math:: \prox_{\alpha (\beta f)}(\mb{v}) = \prox_{(\alpha \beta) f}(\mb{v}) \;. """ return self.functional.prox(v, lam * self.scale, **kwargs)
class SeparableFunctional(Functional): r"""A functional that is separable in its arguments. A separable functional :math:`f : \mathbb{C}^N \to \mathbb{R}` can be written as the sum of functionals :math:`f_i : \mathbb{C}^{N_i} \to \mathbb{R}` with :math:`\sum_i N_i = N`. In particular, .. math:: f(\mb{x}) = f(\mb{x}_1, \dots, \mb{x}_N) = f_1(\mb{x}_1) + \dots + f_N(\mb{x}_N) \;. A :class:`SeparableFunctional` accepts a :class:`.BlockArray` and is separable in the block components. """ def __init__(self, functional_list: List[Functional]): r""" Args: functional_list: List of component functionals f_i. This functional takes as an input a :class:`.BlockArray` with `num_blocks == len(functional_list)`. """ self.functional_list: List[Functional] = functional_list self.has_eval: bool = all(fi.has_eval for fi in functional_list) self.has_prox: bool = all(fi.has_prox for fi in functional_list) super().__init__()
[docs] def __call__(self, x: BlockArray) -> float: if len(x.shape) == len(self.functional_list): return snp.sum(snp.array([fi(xi) for fi, xi in zip(self.functional_list, x)])) raise ValueError( f"Number of blocks in x, {len(x.shape)}, and length of functional_list, " f"{len(self.functional_list)}, do not match." )
[docs] def prox(self, v: BlockArray, lam: float = 1.0, **kwargs) -> BlockArray: r"""Evaluate proximal operator of the separable functional. Evaluate proximal operator of the separable functional (see Theorem 6.6 of :cite:`beck-2017-first`). .. math:: \prox_{\lambda f}(\mb{v}) = \begin{bmatrix} \prox_{\lambda f_1}(\mb{v}_1) \\ \vdots \\ \prox_{\lambda f_N}(\mb{v}_N) \\ \end{bmatrix} \;. Args: v: Input array :math:`\mb{v}`. lam: Proximal parameter :math:`\lambda`. kwargs: Additional arguments that may be used by derived classes. """ if len(v.shape) == len(self.functional_list): return snp.blockarray( [fi.prox(vi, lam, **kwargs) for fi, vi in zip(self.functional_list, v)] ) raise ValueError( f"Number of blocks in v, {len(v.shape)}, and length of functional_list, " f"{len(self.functional_list)}, do not match." )
class FunctionalSum(Functional): r"""A sum of two functionals.""" def __init__(self, functional1: Functional, functional2: Functional): self.functional1 = functional1 self.functional2 = functional2 self.has_eval = functional1.has_eval and functional2.has_eval self.has_prox = False super().__init__() def __repr__(self): return ( "Sum of functionals of types " + str(type(self.functional1)) + " and " + str(type(self.functional2)) ) def __call__(self, x: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: return self.functional1(x) + self.functional2(x) class ZeroFunctional(Functional): r"""Zero functional, :math:`f(\mb{x}) = 0 \in \mbb{R}` for any input.""" has_eval = True has_prox = True
[docs] def __call__(self, x: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: return 0.0
[docs] def prox( self, v: Union[Array, BlockArray], lam: float = 1.0, **kwargs ) -> Union[Array, BlockArray]: return v