Source code for scico.flax.train.trainer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SCICO package. Details of the copyright and
# user license can be found in the 'LICENSE' file distributed with the
# package.

"""Class providing integrated access to functionality for training Flax

Assumes sharded batched data and uses data parallel training.
import warnings

warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)

import functools
import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import jax
from jax import lax

from flax import jax_utils
from import common_utils
from scico.diagnostics import IterationStats
from scico.numpy import Array

from .checkpoints import checkpoint_restore, checkpoint_save
from .clu_utils import get_parameter_overview
from .diagnostics import ArgumentStruct, compute_metrics, stats_obj
from .input_pipeline import create_input_iter
from .learning_rate import create_cnst_lr_schedule
from .losses import mse_loss
from .state import TrainState, create_basic_train_state
from .steps import eval_step, train_step, train_step_post
from .typed_dict import ConfigDict, DataSetDict, MetricsDict, ModelVarDict

ModuleDef = Any
KeyArray = Union[Array, jax.Array]
PyTree = Any
DType = Any

# sync across replicas
[docs]def sync_batch_stats(state: TrainState) -> TrainState: """Sync the batch statistics across replicas.""" # Each device has its own version of the running average batch # statistics and those are synced before evaluation return state.replace(batch_stats=cross_replica_mean(state.batch_stats))
# pmean only works inside pmap because it needs an axis name. #: This function will average the inputs across all devices. cross_replica_mean = jax.pmap(lambda x: lax.pmean(x, "x"), "x") class BasicFlaxTrainer: """Class for encapsulating Flax training configuration and execution.""" def __init__( self, config: ConfigDict, model: ModuleDef, train_ds: DataSetDict, test_ds: DataSetDict, variables0: Optional[ModelVarDict] = None, ): """Initializer for :class:`BasicFlaxTrainer`. Initializer for :class:`BasicFlaxTrainer` to configure model training and evaluation loop. Construct a Flax train state (which includes the model apply function, the model parameters and an Optax optimizer). This uses data parallel training assuming sharded batched data. Args: config: Hyperparameter configuration. model: Flax model to train. train_ds: Dictionary of training data (includes images and labels). test_ds: Dictionary of testing data (includes images and labels). variables0: Optional initial state of model parameters. Default: ``None``. """ # Configure seed if "seed" not in config: key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0) else: key = jax.random.PRNGKey(config["seed"]) # Split seed for data iterators and model initialization key1, key2 = jax.random.split(key) # Object for storing iteration stats self.itstat_object: Optional[IterationStats] = None # Configure training loop len_train = train_ds["image"].shape[0] len_test = test_ds["image"].shape[0] self.set_training_parameters(config, len_train, len_test) self.construct_data_iterators(train_ds, test_ds, key1, model.dtype) self.define_parallel_training_functions() self.initialize_training_state(config, key2, model, variables0) # Store configuration self.config = config
[docs] def set_training_parameters( self, config: ConfigDict, len_train: int, len_test: int, ): """Extract configuration parameters and construct training functions. Parameters and functions are passed in the configuration dictionary. Default values are used when parameters are not included in configuration. Args: config: Hyperparameter configuration. len_train: Number of samples in training set. len_test: Number of samples in testing set. """ self.configure_steps(config, len_train, len_test) self.configure_reporting(config) self.configure_training_functions(config)
[docs] def configure_steps( self, config: ConfigDict, len_train: int, len_test: int, ): """Configure training, evaluation and monitoring steps. Args: config: Hyperparameter configuration. len_train: Number of samples in training set. len_test: Number of samples in testing set. """ # Set required defaults if not present if "batch_size" not in config: batch_size = 2 * jax.device_count() else: batch_size = config["batch_size"] if "num_epochs" not in config: num_epochs = 10 else: num_epochs = config["num_epochs"] # Determine sharded vs. batch partition if batch_size % jax.device_count() > 0: raise ValueError("Batch size must be divisible by the number of devices") self.local_batch_size: int = batch_size // jax.process_count() # Training steps self.steps_per_epoch: int = len_train // batch_size config["steps_per_epoch"] = self.steps_per_epoch # needed for creating lr schedule self.num_steps: int = int(self.steps_per_epoch * num_epochs) # Evaluation (over testing set) steps num_validation_examples: int = len_test if "steps_per_eval" not in config: self.steps_per_eval: int = num_validation_examples // batch_size else: self.steps_per_eval = config["steps_per_eval"] # Determine monitoring steps if "steps_per_checkpoint" not in config: self.steps_per_checkpoint: int = self.steps_per_epoch * 10 else: self.steps_per_checkpoint = config["steps_per_checkpoint"] if "log_every_steps" not in config: self.log_every_steps: int = self.steps_per_epoch * 20 else: self.log_every_steps = config["log_every_steps"]
[docs] def configure_reporting(self, config: ConfigDict): """Configure logging and checkpointing. The parameters configured correspond to - **logflag**: A flag for logging to the output terminal the evolution of results. Default: ``False``. - **workdir**: Directory to write checkpoints. Default: execution directory. - **checkpointing**: A flag for checkpointing model state. Default: ``False``. - **return_state**: A flag for returning the train state instead of the model variables. Default: ``False``, i.e. return model variables. Args: config: Hyperparameter configuration. """ # Determine logging configuration if "log" in config: self.logflag: bool = config["log"] if self.logflag: self.itstat_object, self.itstat_insert_func = stats_obj() else: self.logflag = False # Determine checkpointing configuration if "workdir" in config: self.workdir: str = config["workdir"] else: self.workdir = "./" if "checkpointing" in config: self.checkpointing: bool = config["checkpointing"] else: self.checkpointing = False # Determine variable to return at end of training if "return_state" in config: # Returning Flax train state self.return_state = config["return_state"] else: # Return model variables self.return_state = False
[docs] def configure_training_functions(self, config: ConfigDict): """Construct training functions. Default functions are used if not specified in configuration. The parameters configured correspond to - **lr_schedule**: A function that creates an Optax learning rate schedule. Default: :meth:`~scico.flax.train.learning_rate.create_cnst_lr_schedule`. - **criterion**: A function that specifies the loss being minimized in training. Default: :meth:`~scico.flax.train.losses.mse_loss`. - **create_train_state**: A function that creates a Flax train state and initializes it. A train state object helps to keep optimizer and module functionality grouped for training. Default: :meth:`~scico.flax.train.state.create_basic_train_state`. - **train_step_fn**: A function that executes a training step. Default: :meth:`~scico.flax.train.steps.train_step`, i.e. use the standard train step. - **eval_step_fn**: A function that executes an eval step. Default: :meth:`~scico.flax.train.steps.eval_step`, i.e. use the standard eval step. - **metrics_fn**: A function that computes metrics. Default: :meth:`~scico.flax.train.diagnostics.compute_metrics`, i.e. use the standard compute metrics function. - **post_lst**: List of postprocessing functions to apply to parameter set after optimizer step (e.g. clip to a specified range, normalize, etc.). Args: config: Hyperparameter configuration. """ if "lr_schedule" in config: create_lr_schedule: Callable = config["lr_schedule"] self.lr_schedule = create_lr_schedule(config) else: self.lr_schedule = create_cnst_lr_schedule(config) if "criterion" in config: self.criterion: Callable = config["criterion"] else: self.criterion = mse_loss if "create_train_state" in config: self.create_train_state: Callable = config["create_train_state"] else: self.create_train_state = create_basic_train_state if "train_step_fn" in config: self.train_step_fn: Callable = config["train_step_fn"] else: self.train_step_fn = train_step if "eval_step_fn" in config: self.eval_step_fn: Callable = config["eval_step_fn"] else: self.eval_step_fn = eval_step if "metrics_fn" in config: self.metrics_fn: Callable = config["metrics_fn"] else: self.metrics_fn = compute_metrics self.post_lst: Optional[List[Callable]] = None if "post_lst" in config: self.post_lst = config["post_lst"]
[docs] def construct_data_iterators( self, train_ds: DataSetDict, test_ds: DataSetDict, key: KeyArray, mdtype: DType, ): """Construct iterators for training and testing (evaluation) sets. Args: train_ds: Dictionary of training data (includes images and labels). test_ds: Dictionary of testing data (includes images and labels). key: A PRNGKey used as the random key. mdtype: Output type of Flax model to be trained. """ size_device_prefetch = 2 # Set for GPU self.train_dt_iter = create_input_iter( key, train_ds, self.local_batch_size, size_device_prefetch, mdtype, train=True, ) self.eval_dt_iter = create_input_iter( key, # eval: no permutation test_ds, self.local_batch_size, size_device_prefetch, mdtype, train=False, ) self.ishape = train_ds["image"].shape[1:3] self.log( "Channels: %d, training signals: %d, testing" " signals: %d, signal size: %d" % ( train_ds["label"].shape[-1], train_ds["label"].shape[0], test_ds["label"].shape[0], train_ds["label"].shape[1], ) )
[docs] def define_parallel_training_functions(self): """Construct parallel versions of training functions. Construct parallel versions of training functions via :func:`jax.pmap`. """ if self.post_lst is not None: self.p_train_step = jax.pmap( functools.partial( train_step_post, train_step_fn=self.train_step_fn, learning_rate_fn=self.lr_schedule, criterion=self.criterion, metrics_fn=self.metrics_fn, post_lst=self.post_lst, ), axis_name="batch", ) else: self.p_train_step = jax.pmap( functools.partial( self.train_step_fn, learning_rate_fn=self.lr_schedule, criterion=self.criterion, metrics_fn=self.metrics_fn, ), axis_name="batch", ) self.p_eval_step = jax.pmap( functools.partial( self.eval_step_fn, criterion=self.criterion, metrics_fn=self.metrics_fn ), axis_name="batch", )
[docs] def initialize_training_state( self, config: ConfigDict, key: KeyArray, model: ModuleDef, variables0: Optional[ModelVarDict] = None, ): """Construct and initialize Flax train state. A train state object helps to keep optimizer and module functionality grouped for training. Args: config: Hyperparameter configuration. key: A PRNGKey used as the random key. model: Flax model to train. variables0: Optional initial state of model parameters. Default: ``None``. """ # Create Flax training state state = self.create_train_state( key, config, model, self.ishape, self.lr_schedule, variables0 ) # Only restore if no initialization is provided if self.checkpointing and variables0 is None: ok_no_ckpt = True # It is ok if no checkpoint is found state = checkpoint_restore(state, self.workdir, ok_no_ckpt) self.log(get_parameter_overview(state.params)) if hasattr(state, "batch_stats"): self.log(get_parameter_overview(state.batch_stats)) self.state = state
[docs] def train(self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Optional[IterationStats]]: """Execute training loop. Returns: Model variables extracted from TrainState and iteration stats object obtained after executing the training loop. Alternatively the TrainState can be returned directly instead of the model variables. Note that the iteration stats object is not ``None`` only if log is enabled when configuring the training loop. """ state = self.state step_offset = int(state.step) # > 0 if restarting from checkpoint # For parallel training state = jax_utils.replicate(state) # Execute training loop and register stats t0 = time.time() self.log("Initial compilation, this might take some minutes...") train_metrics: List[Any] = [] for step, batch in zip(range(step_offset, self.num_steps), self.train_dt_iter): state, metrics = self.p_train_step(state, batch) # Training metrics computed in step train_metrics.append(metrics) if step == step_offset: self.log("Initial compilation completed.") if (step + 1) % self.log_every_steps == 0: # sync batch statistics across replicas state = sync_batch_stats(state) self.update_metrics(state, step, train_metrics, t0) train_metrics = [] if (step + 1) % self.steps_per_checkpoint == 0 or step + 1 == self.num_steps: # sync batch statistics across replicas state = sync_batch_stats(state) self.checkpoint(state) # Wait for finishing asynchronous execution jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), ()).block_until_ready() # Close object for iteration stats if logging if self.logflag: assert self.itstat_object is not None self.itstat_object.end() state = sync_batch_stats(state) # Final checkpointing self.checkpoint(state) # Extract one copy of state state = jax_utils.unreplicate(state) if self.return_state: return state, self.itstat_object # type: ignore dvar: ModelVarDict = { "params": state.params, "batch_stats": state.batch_stats, } return dvar, self.itstat_object # type: ignore
[docs] def update_metrics(self, state: TrainState, step: int, train_metrics: List[MetricsDict], t0): """Compute metrics for current model state. Metrics for training and testing (eval) sets are computed and stored in an iteration stats object. This is executed only if logging is enabled. Args: state: Flax train state which includes the model apply function and the model parameters. step: Current step in training. train_metrics: List of diagnostic statistics computed from training set. t0: Time when training loop started. """ if not self.logflag: return eval_metrics: List[Any] = [] # Build summary dictionary for logging # Include training stats train_metrics = common_utils.get_metrics(train_metrics) summary = { f"train_{k}": v for k, v in jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.mean(), train_metrics).items() } epoch = step // self.steps_per_epoch summary["epoch"] = epoch summary["time"] = time.time() - t0 # Eval over testing set for _ in range(self.steps_per_eval): eval_batch = next(self.eval_dt_iter) metrics = self.p_eval_step(state, eval_batch) eval_metrics.append(metrics) # Compute testing metrics eval_metrics = common_utils.get_metrics(eval_metrics) # Add testing stats to summary summary_eval = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.mean(), eval_metrics) summary.update(summary_eval) # Update iteration stats object assert isinstance(self.itstat_object, IterationStats) # for mypy self.itstat_object.insert(self.itstat_insert_func(ArgumentStruct(**summary)))
[docs] def checkpoint(self, state: TrainState): # pragma: no cover """Checkpoint training state if enabled. Args: state: Flax train state. """ if self.checkpointing: checkpoint_save(jax_utils.unreplicate(state), self.config, self.workdir)
[docs] def log(self, logstr: str): """Print stats to output terminal if logging is enabled. Args: logstr: String to be logged. """ if self.logflag: print(logstr)