Source code for scico.flax.train.diagnostics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SCICO package. Details of the copyright and
# user license can be found in the 'LICENSE' file distributed with the
# package.

"""Utilities for computing and displaying performance metrics during training.

Assumes sharded batched data.

from typing import Callable, Dict, Tuple, Union

from jax import lax

from scico.diagnostics import IterationStats
from scico.metric import snr
from scico.numpy import Array

from .losses import mse_loss
from .typed_dict import MetricsDict

[docs]def compute_metrics(output: Array, labels: Array, criterion: Callable = mse_loss) -> MetricsDict: """Compute diagnostic metrics. Assumes sharded batched data (i.e. it only works inside pmap because it needs an axis name). Args: output: Comparison signal. labels: Reference signal. criterion: Loss function. Default: :meth:`~scico.flax.train.losses.mse_loss`. Returns: Loss and SNR between `output` and `labels`. """ loss = criterion(output, labels) snr_ = snr(labels, output) metrics: MetricsDict = { "loss": loss, "snr": snr_, } metrics = lax.pmean(metrics, axis_name="batch") return metrics
[docs]class ArgumentStruct: """Class that converts a dictionary into an object with named entries. Class that converts a python dictionary into an object with named entries given by the dictionary keys. After the object instantiation both modes of access (dictionary or object entries) can be used. """ def __init__(self, **entries): self.__dict__.update(entries)
[docs]def stats_obj() -> Tuple[IterationStats, Callable]: """Functionality to log and store iteration statistics. This function initializes an object :class:`~.diagnostics.IterationStats` to log and store iteration statistics if logging is enabled during training. The statistics collected are: epoch, time, learning rate, loss and snr in training and loss and snr in evaluation. The :class:`~.diagnostics.IterationStats` object takes care of both printing stats to command line and storing them for further analysis. """ # epoch, time learning rate loss and snr (train and # eval) fields itstat_fields = { "Epoch": "%d", "Time": "%8.2e", "Train_LR": "%.6f", "Train_Loss": "%.6f", "Train_SNR": "%.2f", "Eval_Loss": "%.6f", "Eval_SNR": "%.2f", } itstat_attrib = [ "epoch", "time", "train_learning_rate", "train_loss", "train_snr", "loss", "snr", ] # dynamically create itstat_func; see itstat_return = "return(" + ", ".join(["obj." + attr for attr in itstat_attrib]) + ")" scope: Dict[str, Callable] = {} exec("def itstat_func(obj): " + itstat_return, scope) default_itstat_options: Dict[str, Union[dict, Callable, bool]] = { "fields": itstat_fields, "itstat_func": scope["itstat_func"], "display": True, } itstat_insert_func: Callable = default_itstat_options.pop("itstat_func") # type: ignore itstat_object = IterationStats(**default_itstat_options) # type: ignore return itstat_object, itstat_insert_func