Source code for scico.flax.train.apply

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SCICO package. Details of the copyright and
# user license can be found in the 'LICENSE' file distributed with the
# package.

"""Functionality to evaluate Flax trained model.

Uses data parallel evaluation.

from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from flax import jax_utils
from scico.flax import create_input_iter
from scico.numpy import Array

from .checkpoints import checkpoint_restore
from .clu_utils import get_parameter_overview
from .learning_rate import create_cnst_lr_schedule
from .state import create_basic_train_state
from .typed_dict import ConfigDict, DataSetDict, ModelVarDict

ModuleDef = Any

[docs]def apply_fn(model: ModuleDef, variables: ModelVarDict, batch: DataSetDict) -> Array: """Apply current model. Assumes sharded batched data and replicated variables for distributed processing. This function is intended to be used via :meth:`~scico.flax.only_apply`, not directly. Args: model: Flax model to apply. variables: State of model parameters (replicated). batch: Sharded and batched training data. Returns: Output computed by given model. """ output = model.apply(variables, batch["image"], train=False, mutable=False) return output
def only_apply( config: ConfigDict, model: ModuleDef, test_ds: DataSetDict, apply_fn: Callable = apply_fn, variables: Optional[ModelVarDict] = None, ) -> Tuple[Array, ModelVarDict]: """Execute model application loop. Args: config: Hyperparameter configuration. model: Flax model to apply. test_ds: Dictionary of testing data (includes images and labels). apply_fn: A hook for a function that applies current model. Default: :meth:`~scico.flax.train.apply.apply_fn`, i.e. use the standard apply function. variables: Model parameters to use for evaluation. Default: ``None`` (i.e. read from checkpoint). Returns: Output of model evaluated at the input provided in `test_ds`. Raises: RuntimeError: If no model variables and no checkpoint are specified. """ if "workdir" in config: workdir: str = config["workdir"] else: workdir = "./" if "checkpointing" in config: checkpointing: bool = config["checkpointing"] else: checkpointing = False # Configure seed. key = jax.random.PRNGKey(config["seed"]) if variables is None: if checkpointing: # pragma: no cover ishape = test_ds["image"].shape[1:3] lr_ = create_cnst_lr_schedule(config) empty_state = create_basic_train_state(key, config, model, ishape, lr_) state = checkpoint_restore(empty_state, workdir) if hasattr(state, "batch_stats"): variables = { "params": state.params, "batch_stats": state.batch_stats, } # type: ignore print(get_parameter_overview(variables["params"])) print(get_parameter_overview(variables["batch_stats"])) else: variables = {"params": state.params, "batch_stats": {}} print(get_parameter_overview(variables["params"])) else: raise RuntimeError("No variables or checkpoint provided.") # For distributed testing local_batch_size = config["batch_size"] // jax.process_count() size_device_prefetch = 2 # Set for GPU # Set data iterator eval_dt_iter = create_input_iter( key, # eval: no permutation test_ds, local_batch_size, size_device_prefetch, model.dtype, train=False, ) p_apply_step = jax.pmap(apply_fn, axis_name="batch", static_broadcasted_argnums=0) # Evaluate model with provided variables variables = jax_utils.replicate(variables) num_examples = test_ds["image"].shape[0] steps_ = num_examples // config["batch_size"] output_lst = [] for _ in range(steps_): eval_batch = next(eval_dt_iter) output_batch = p_apply_step(model, variables, eval_batch) output_lst.append(output_batch.reshape((-1,) + output_batch.shape[-3:])) # Allow for completing the async run jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), ()).block_until_ready() # Extract one copy of variables variables = jax_utils.unreplicate(variables) # Convert to array output = jnp.array(output_lst) # Remove leading dimension output = output.reshape((-1,) + output.shape[-3:]) return output, variables # type: ignore