Source code for scico.flax.inverse

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SCICO package. Details of the copyright and
# user license can be found in the 'LICENSE' file distributed with the
# package.
"""Flax implementation of different imaging inversion models."""

import warnings

warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)

from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jit, lax, random

from flax.core import Scope  # noqa
from flax.linen.module import _Sentinel  # noqa
from flax.linen.module import Module, compact
from scico.flax import ResNet
from scico.linop import LinearOperator
from scico.numpy import Array
from scico.typing import DType, PRNGKey, Shape

# The imports of Scope and _Sentinel (above) are required to silence
# "cannot resolve forward reference" warnings when building sphinx api
# docs.

ModuleDef = Any

class MoDLNet(Module):
    """Flax implementation of MoDL :cite:`aggarwal-2019-modl`.

    Flax implementation of the model-based deep learning (MoDL)
    architecture for inverse problems described in :cite:`aggarwal-2019-modl`.

        operator: Operator for computing forward and adjoint mappings.
        depth: Depth of MoDL net. Default: 1.
        channels: Number of channels of input tensor.
        num_filters: Number of filters in the convolutional layer of the
            block. Corresponds to the number of channels in the output
        block_depth: Number of layers in the computational block.
        kernel_size: Size of the convolution filters. Default: (3, 3).
        strides: Convolution strides. Default: (1, 1).
        lmbda_ini: Initial value of the regularization weight `lambda`.
            Default: 0.5.
        dtype: Output dtype. Default: :attr:`~numpy.float32`.
        cg_iter: Number of iterations for cg solver. Default: 10.

    operator: ModuleDef
    depth: int
    channels: int
    num_filters: int
    block_depth: int
    kernel_size: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3)
    strides: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1)
    lmbda_ini: float = 0.5
    dtype: Any = jnp.float32
    cg_iter: int = 10

[docs] @compact def __call__(self, y: Array, train: bool = True) -> Array: """Apply MoDL net for inversion. Args: y: The array with signal to invert. train: Flag to differentiate between training and testing stages. Returns: The reconstructed signal. """ def lmbda_init_wrap(rng: PRNGKey, shape: Shape, dtype: DType = self.dtype) -> Array: return jnp.ones(shape, dtype) * self.lmbda_ini lmbda = self.param("lmbda", lmbda_init_wrap, (1,)) resnet = ResNet( self.block_depth, self.channels, self.num_filters, self.kernel_size, self.strides, dtype=self.dtype, ) ah_f = lambda v: jnp.atleast_3d(self.operator.adj(v.reshape(self.operator.output_shape))) Ahb =, y) x = Ahb ahaI_f = lambda v: self.operator.adj(self.operator(v)) + lmbda * v cgsol = lambda b: jnp.atleast_3d( cg_solver(ahaI_f, b.reshape(self.operator.input_shape), maxiter=self.cg_iter) ) for i in range(self.depth): z = resnet(x, train) # Solve: # (AH A + lmbda I) x = Ahb + lmbda * z b = Ahb + lmbda * z x =, b) return x
[docs]def cg_solver(A: Callable, b: Array, x0: Array = None, maxiter: int = 50) -> Array: r"""Conjugate gradient solver. Solve the linear system :math:`A\mb{x} = \mb{b}`, where :math:`A` is positive definite, via the conjugate gradient method. This is a light version constructed to be differentiable with the autograd functionality from jax. Therefore, (i) it uses :meth:`jax.lax.scan` to execute a fixed number of iterations and (ii) it assumes that the linear operator may use :meth:`jax.pure_callback`. Due to the utilization of a while cycle, :meth:`` is not differentiable by jax and :meth:`` does not support functions using :meth:`jax.pure_callback`, which is why an additional conjugate gradient function has been implemented. Args: A: Function implementing linear operator :math:`A`, should be positive definite. b: Input array :math:`\mb{b}`. x0: Initial solution. Default: ``None``. maxiter: Maximum iterations. Default: 50. Returns: x: Solution array. """ def fun(carry, _): """Function implementing one iteration of the conjugate gradient solver.""" x, r, p, num = carry Ap = A(p) alpha = num / (p.ravel().conj().T @ Ap.ravel()) x = x + alpha * p r = r - alpha * Ap num_old = num num = r.ravel().conj().T @ r.ravel() beta = num / num_old p = r + beta * p return (x, r, p, num), None if x0 is None: x0 = jnp.zeros_like(b) r0 = b - A(x0) num0 = r0.ravel().conj().T @ r0.ravel() carry = (x0, r0, r0, num0) carry, _ = lax.scan(fun, carry, xs=None, length=maxiter) return carry[0]
[docs]class ODPProxDnBlock(Module): """Flax implementation of ODP proximal gradient denoise block. Flax implementation of the unrolled optimization with deep priors (ODP) proximal gradient block for denoising :cite:`diamond-2018-odp`. Args: operator: Operator for computing forward and adjoint mappings. In this case it corresponds to the identity operator and is used at the network level. depth: Number of layers in block. channels: Number of channels of input tensor. num_filters: Number of filters in the convolutional layer of the block. Corresponds to the number of channels in the output tensor. kernel_size: Size of the convolution filters. Default: (3, 3). strides: Convolution strides. Default: (1, 1). alpha_ini: Initial value of the fidelity weight `alpha`. Default: 0.2. dtype: Output dtype. Default: :attr:`~numpy.float32`. """ operator: ModuleDef depth: int channels: int num_filters: int kernel_size: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3) strides: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1) alpha_ini: float = 0.2 dtype: Any = jnp.float32
[docs] def batch_op_adj(self, y: Array) -> Array: """Batch application of adjoint operator.""" return self.operator.adj(y)
[docs] @compact def __call__(self, x: Array, y: Array, train: bool = True) -> Array: """Apply denoising block. Args: x: The array with current stage of denoised signal. y: The array with noisy signal. train: Flag to differentiate between training and testing stages. Returns: The block output (i.e. next stage of denoised signal). """ def alpha_init_wrap(rng: PRNGKey, shape: Shape, dtype: DType = self.dtype) -> Array: return jnp.ones(shape, dtype) * self.alpha_ini alpha = self.param("alpha", alpha_init_wrap, (1,)) resnet = ResNet( self.depth, self.channels, self.num_filters, self.kernel_size, self.strides, dtype=self.dtype, ) x = (resnet(x, train) + y * alpha) / (1.0 + alpha) return x
[docs]class ODPProxDcnvBlock(Module): """Flax implementation of ODP proximal gradient deconvolution block. Flax implementation of the unrolled optimization with deep priors (ODP) proximal gradient block for deconvolution under Gaussian noise :cite:`diamond-2018-odp`. Args: operator: Operator for computing forward and adjoint mappings. In this case it correponds to a circular convolution operator. depth: Number of layers in block. channels: Number of channels of input tensor. num_filters: Number of filters in the convolutional layer of the block. Corresponds to the number of channels in the output tensor. kernel_size: Size of the convolution filters. Default: (3, 3). strides: Convolution strides. Default: (1, 1). alpha_ini: Initial value of the fidelity weight `alpha`. Default: 0.99. dtype: Output dtype. Default: :attr:`~numpy.float32`. """ operator: ModuleDef depth: int channels: int num_filters: int kernel_size: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3) strides: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1) alpha_ini: float = 0.99 dtype: Any = jnp.float32
[docs] def setup(self): """Computing operator norm and setting operator for batch evaluation and defining network layers.""" self.operator_norm = jnp.sqrt(power_iteration(self.operator.H @ self.operator)[0].real) self.ah_f = lambda v: jnp.atleast_3d( self.operator.adj(v.reshape(self.operator.output_shape)) ) self.resnet = ResNet( self.depth, self.channels, self.num_filters, self.kernel_size, self.strides, dtype=self.dtype, ) def alpha_init_wrap(rng: PRNGKey, shape: Shape, dtype: DType = self.dtype) -> Array: return jnp.ones(shape, dtype) * self.alpha_ini self.alpha = self.param("alpha", alpha_init_wrap, (1,))
[docs] def batch_op_adj(self, y: Array) -> Array: """Batch application of adjoint operator.""" return, y)
[docs] def __call__(self, x: Array, y: Array, train: bool = True) -> Array: """Apply debluring block. Args: x: The array with current stage of reconstructed signal. y: The array with signal to invert. train: Flag to differentiate between training and testing stages. Returns: The block output (i.e. next stage of reconstructed signal). """ # DFT over spatial dimensions fft_shape: Shape = x.shape[1:-1] fft_axes: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 2) scale = 1.0 / (self.alpha * self.operator_norm**2 + 1) x = jnp.fft.irfftn( jnp.fft.rfftn( self.alpha * self.batch_op_adj(y) + self.resnet(x, train), s=fft_shape, axes=fft_axes, ) / scale, s=fft_shape, axes=fft_axes, ) return x
[docs]class ODPGrDescBlock(Module): r"""Flax implementation of ODP gradient descent with :math:`\ell_2` loss block. Flax implementation of the unrolled optimization with deep priors (ODP) gradient descent block for inversion using :math:`\ell_2` loss described in :cite:`diamond-2018-odp`. Args: operator: Operator for computing forward and adjoint mappings. In this case it corresponds to the identity operator and is used at the network level. depth: Number of layers in block. channels: Number of channels of input tensor. num_filters: Number of filters in the convolutional layer of the block. Corresponds to the number of channels in the output tensor. kernel_size: Size of the convolution filters. Default: (3, 3). strides: Convolution strides. Default: (1, 1). alpha_ini: Initial value of the fidelity weight `alpha`. Default: 0.2. dtype: Output dtype. Default: :attr:`~numpy.float32`. """ operator: ModuleDef depth: int channels: int num_filters: int kernel_size: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3) strides: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1) alpha_ini: float = 0.2 dtype: Any = jnp.float32
[docs] def setup(self): """Setting operator for batch evaluation and defining network layers.""" self.ah_f = lambda v: jnp.atleast_3d( self.operator.adj(v.reshape(self.operator.output_shape)) ) self.a_f = lambda v: jnp.atleast_3d(self.operator(v.reshape(self.operator.input_shape))) self.resnet = ResNet( self.depth, self.channels, self.num_filters, self.kernel_size, self.strides, dtype=self.dtype, ) def alpha_init_wrap(rng: PRNGKey, shape: Shape, dtype: DType = self.dtype) -> Array: return jnp.ones(shape, dtype) * self.alpha_ini self.alpha = self.param("alpha", alpha_init_wrap, (1,))
[docs] def batch_op_adj(self, y: Array) -> Array: """Batch application of adjoint operator.""" return, y)
[docs] def __call__(self, x: Array, y: Array, train: bool = True) -> Array: """Apply gradient descent block. Args: x: The array with current stage of reconstructed signal. y: The array with signal to invert. train: Flag to differentiate between training and testing stages. Returns: The block output (i.e. next stage of inverted signal). """ x = self.resnet(x, train) - self.alpha * self.batch_op_adj(, x) - y) return x
class ODPNet(Module): """Flax implementation of ODP network :cite:`diamond-2018-odp`. Flax implementation of the unrolled optimization with deep priors (ODP) network for inverse problems described in :cite:`diamond-2018-odp`. It can be constructed with proximal gradient blocks or gradient descent blocks. Args: operator: Operator for computing forward and adjoint mappings. depth: Depth of MoDL net. Default: 1. channels: Number of channels of input tensor. num_filters: Number of filters in the convolutional layer of the block. Corresponds to the number of channels in the output tensor. block_depth: Number of layers in the computational block. kernel_size: Size of the convolution filters. Default: (3, 3). strides: Convolution strides. Default: (1, 1). alpha_ini: Initial value of the fidelity weight `alpha`. Default: 0.5. dtype: Output dtype. Default: :attr:`~numpy.float32`. odp_block: processing block to apply. Default :class:`ODPProxDnBlock`. """ operator: ModuleDef depth: int channels: int num_filters: int block_depth: int kernel_size: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3) strides: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1) alpha_ini: float = 0.5 dtype: Any = jnp.float32 odp_block: Callable = ODPProxDnBlock
[docs] @compact def __call__(self, y: Array, train: bool = True) -> Array: """Apply ODP net for inversion. Args: y: The array with signal to invert. train: Flag to differentiate between training and testing stages. Returns: The reconstructed signal. """ block = partial( self.odp_block, operator=self.operator, depth=self.block_depth, channels=self.channels, num_filters=self.num_filters, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, strides=self.strides, dtype=self.dtype, ) # Initial block handles initial inversion. # Not all operators are batch-ready. alpha0_i = self.alpha_ini block0 = block(alpha_ini=alpha0_i) x = block0.batch_op_adj(y) x = block0(x, y, train) alpha0_i /= 2.0 for i in range(self.depth - 1): x = block(alpha_ini=alpha0_i)(x, y, train) alpha0_i /= 2.0 return x
[docs]@partial(jit, static_argnums=0) def power_iteration(A: LinearOperator, maxiter: int = 100): """Compute largest eigenvalue of a diagonalizable :class:`.LinearOperator`. Compute largest eigenvalue of a diagonalizable :class:`LinearOperator` using power iteration. This function has the same functionality as :class:`.linop.power_iteration` but is implemented using lax operations to allow jitting and general jax function composition. Args: A: :class:`LinearOperator` used for computation. Must be diagonalizable. maxiter: Maximum number of power iterations to use. Returns: tuple: A tuple (`mu`, `v`) containing: - **mu**: Estimate of largest eigenvalue of `A`. - **v**: Eigenvector of `A` with eigenvalue `mu`. """ key = random.PRNGKey(0) v = random.normal(key, shape=A.input_shape, dtype=A.input_dtype) v = v / jnp.linalg.norm(v) init_val = (0, v, v, 1.0) def cond_fun(val): return jnp.logical_and(val[0] <= maxiter, val[3] > 0.0) def body_fun(val): i, v, Av, normAv = val v = Av / normAv i = i + 1 Av = A @ v normAv = jnp.linalg.norm(Av) return (i, v, Av, normAv) def true_fun(v, Av, normAv): return jnp.sum(v.conj() * Av) / jnp.linalg.norm(v) ** 2, Av / normAv def false_fun(v, Av, normAv): return 0.0 * normAv, Av # Multiplication by zero used to preserve data type i, v, Av, normAv = lax.while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init_val) mu, v = lax.cond(normAv > 0.0, true_fun, false_fun, v, Av, normAv) return mu, v