Source code for scico.flax.examples.examples

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by SCICO Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SCICO package. Details of the copyright and
# user license can be found in the 'LICENSE' file distributed with the
# package.

"""Generation and loading of data used in Flax example scripts."""

import os
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from scico.flax.train.typed_dict import DataSetDict
from scico.numpy import Array
from scico.typing import Shape

from .data_generation import generate_blur_data, generate_ct_data, generate_foam1_images
from .data_preprocessing import ConfigImageSetDict, build_image_dataset, get_bsds_data
from .typed_dict import CTDataSetDict

[docs]def get_cache_path(cache_path: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get input/output SCICO cache path. Args: cache_path: Given cache path. If ``None`` SCICO default cache path is constructed. Returns: The cache path and a display string with private user path information stripped. """ if cache_path is None: cache_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "scico", "examples", "data") subpath = str.split(cache_path, ".cache") cache_path_display = "~/.cache" + subpath[-1] else: cache_path_display = cache_path return cache_path, cache_path_display
[docs]def load_ct_data( train_nimg: int, test_nimg: int, size: int, nproj: int, cache_path: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False, prefer_ray: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[CTDataSetDict, ...]: # pragma: no cover """ Load or generate CT data. Load or generate CT data for training of machine learning network models. If cached file exists and enough data of the requested size is available, data is loaded and returned. If either `size` or `nproj` requested does not match the data read from the cached file, a `RunTimeError` is generated. If no cached file is found or not enough data is contained in the file a new data set is generated and stored in `cache_path`. The data is stored in `.npz` format for convenient access via :func:`numpy.load`. The data is saved in two distinct files: `ct_foam2_train.npz` and `ct_foam2_test.npz` to keep separated training and testing partitions. Args: train_nimg: Number of images required for training. test_nimg: Number of images required for testing. size: Size of reconstruction images. nproj: Number of CT views. cache_path: Directory in which generated data is saved. Default: ``None``. verbose: Flag indicating whether to print status messages. Default: ``False``. prefer_ray: Use ray for distributed processing if available. Default: ``True``. Returns: tuple: A tuple (trdt, ttdt) containing: - **trdt** : (Dictionary): Collection of images (key `img`), sinograms (key `sino`) and filtered back projections (key `fbp`) for training. - **ttdt** : (Dictionary): Collection of images (key `img`), sinograms (key `sino`) and filtered back projections (key `fbp`) for testing. """ # Set default cache path if not specified cache_path, cache_path_display = get_cache_path(cache_path) # Create cache directory and generate data if not already present. npz_train_file = os.path.join(cache_path, "ct_foam2_train.npz") npz_test_file = os.path.join(cache_path, "ct_foam2_test.npz") if os.path.isfile(npz_train_file) and os.path.isfile(npz_test_file): # Load data trdt_in = np.load(npz_train_file) ttdt_in = np.load(npz_test_file) # Check image size if trdt_in["img"].shape[1] != size: runtime_error_scalar("size", "training", size, trdt_in["img"].shape[1]) if ttdt_in["img"].shape[1] != size: runtime_error_scalar("size", "testing", size, ttdt_in["img"].shape[1]) # Check number of projections if trdt_in["sino"].shape[1] != nproj: runtime_error_scalar("views", "training", nproj, trdt_in["sino"].shape[1]) if ttdt_in["sino"].shape[1] != nproj: runtime_error_scalar("views", "testing", nproj, ttdt_in["sino"].shape[1]) # Check that enough data is available if trdt_in["img"].shape[0] >= train_nimg: if ttdt_in["img"].shape[0] >= test_nimg: trdt: CTDataSetDict = { "img": trdt_in["img"][:train_nimg], "sino": trdt_in["sino"][:train_nimg], "fbp": trdt_in["fbp"][:train_nimg], } ttdt: CTDataSetDict = { "img": ttdt_in["img"][:test_nimg], "sino": ttdt_in["sino"][:test_nimg], "fbp": ttdt_in["fbp"][:test_nimg], } if verbose: print_input_path(cache_path_display) print_data_size("training", trdt["img"].shape[0]) print_data_size("testing ", ttdt["img"].shape[0]) print_data_range("images ", trdt["img"]) print_data_range("sinogram", trdt["sino"]) print_data_range("FBP ", trdt["fbp"]) return trdt, ttdt elif verbose: print_data_warning("testing", test_nimg, ttdt_in["img"].shape[0]) elif verbose: print_data_warning("training", train_nimg, trdt_in["img"].shape[0]) # Generate new data. nimg = train_nimg + test_nimg img, sino, fbp = generate_ct_data( nimg, size, nproj, verbose=verbose, prefer_ray=prefer_ray, ) # Separate training and testing partitions. trdt = {"img": img[:train_nimg], "sino": sino[:train_nimg], "fbp": fbp[:train_nimg]} ttdt = {"img": img[train_nimg:], "sino": sino[train_nimg:], "fbp": fbp[train_nimg:]} # Store images, sinograms and filtered back-projections. os.makedirs(cache_path, exist_ok=True) np.savez( npz_train_file, img=img[:train_nimg], sino=sino[:train_nimg], fbp=fbp[:train_nimg], ) np.savez( npz_test_file, img=img[train_nimg:], sino=sino[train_nimg:], fbp=fbp[train_nimg:], ) if verbose: print_output_path(cache_path_display) print_data_size("training", train_nimg) print_data_size("testing ", test_nimg) print_data_range("images ", img) print_data_range("sinogram", sino) print_data_range("FBP ", fbp) return trdt, ttdt
[docs]def load_foam1_blur_data( train_nimg: int, test_nimg: int, size: int, blur_kernel: Array, noise_sigma: float, cache_path: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False, prefer_ray: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[DataSetDict, ...]: # pragma: no cover """Load or generate blurred data based on xdesign foam structures. Load or generate blurred data for training of machine learning network models. If cached file exists and enough data of the requested size is available, data is loaded and returned. If `size`, `blur_kernel` or `noise_sigma` requested do not match the data read from the cached file, a `RunTimeError` is generated. If no cached file is found or not enough data is contained in the file a new data set is generated and stored in `cache_path`. The data is stored in `.npz` format for convenient access via :func:`numpy.load`. The data is saved in two distinct files: `dcnv_foam1_train.npz` and `dcnv_foam1_test.npz` to keep separated training and testing partitions. Args: train_nimg: Number of images required for training. test_nimg: Number of images required for testing. size: Size of reconstruction images. blur_kernel: Kernel for blurring the generated images. noise_sigma: Level of additive Gaussian noise to apply. cache_path: Directory in which generated data is saved. Default: ``None``. verbose: Flag indicating whether to print status messages. Default: ``False``. prefer_ray: Use ray for distributed processing if available. Default: ``True``. Returns: tuple: A tuple (train_ds, test_ds) containing: - **train_ds** : Dictionary of training data (includes images and labels). - **test_ds** : Dictionary of testing data (includes images and labels). """ # Set default cache path if not specified cache_path, cache_path_display = get_cache_path(cache_path) # Create cache directory and generate data if not already present. npz_train_file = os.path.join(cache_path, "dcnv_foam1_train.npz") npz_test_file = os.path.join(cache_path, "dcnv_foam1_test.npz") if os.path.isfile(npz_train_file) and os.path.isfile(npz_test_file): # Load data and convert arrays to float32. trdt = np.load(npz_train_file) # Training ttdt = np.load(npz_test_file) # Testing train_in = trdt["image"].astype(np.float32) train_out = trdt["label"].astype(np.float32) test_in = ttdt["image"].astype(np.float32) test_out = ttdt["label"].astype(np.float32) # Check image size if train_in.shape[1] != size: runtime_error_scalar("size", "training", size, train_in.shape[1]) if test_in.shape[1] != size: runtime_error_scalar("size", "testing ", size, test_in.shape[1]) # Check noise_sigma if trdt["noise"] != noise_sigma: runtime_error_scalar("noise", "training", noise_sigma, trdt["noise"]) if ttdt["noise"] != noise_sigma: runtime_error_scalar("noise", "testing ", noise_sigma, ttdt["noise"]) # Check blur kernel blur_train = trdt["blur"].astype(np.float32) if not np.allclose(blur_kernel, blur_train): runtime_error_array("blur", "testing ", np.abs(blur_kernel - blur_train).max()) blur_test = ttdt["blur"].astype(np.float32) if not np.allclose(blur_kernel, blur_test): runtime_error_array("blur", "testing ", np.abs(blur_kernel - blur_test).max()) # Check that enough images were restored. if trdt["numimg"] >= train_nimg: if ttdt["numimg"] >= test_nimg: train_ds: DataSetDict = { "image": train_in, "label": train_out, } test_ds: DataSetDict = { "image": test_in, "label": test_out, } if verbose: print_info( "in", cache_path_display, train_ds["image"], train_ds["label"], test_ds["image"].shape[0], ) return train_ds, test_ds elif verbose: print_data_warning("testing ", test_nimg, ttdt["numimg"]) elif verbose: print_data_warning("training", train_nimg, trdt["numimg"]) # Generate new data. nimg = train_nimg + test_nimg img, blrn = generate_blur_data( nimg, size, blur_kernel, noise_sigma, imgfunc=generate_foam1_images, verbose=verbose, prefer_ray=prefer_ray, ) # Separate training and testing partitions. train_ds = {"image": blrn[:train_nimg], "label": img[:train_nimg]} test_ds = {"image": blrn[train_nimg:], "label": img[train_nimg:]} # Store original and blurred images. os.makedirs(cache_path, exist_ok=True) np.savez( npz_train_file, image=train_ds["image"], label=train_ds["label"], numimg=train_nimg, noise=noise_sigma, blur=blur_kernel.astype(np.float32), ) np.savez( npz_test_file, image=test_ds["image"], label=test_ds["label"], numimg=test_nimg, noise=noise_sigma, blur=blur_kernel.astype(np.float32), ) if verbose: print_info( "out", cache_path_display, train_ds["image"], train_ds["label"], test_ds["image"].shape[0], ) return train_ds, test_ds
[docs]def load_image_data( train_nimg: int, test_nimg: int, size: int, gray_flag: bool, data_mode: str = "dn", cache_path: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False, noise_level: float = 0.1, noise_range: bool = False, transf: Optional[Callable] = None, stride: Optional[int] = None, augment: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[DataSetDict, ...]: # pragma: no cover """Load or load and preprocess image data. Load or load and preprocess image data for training of neural network models. The original source is the BSDS500 data from the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark project. Depending on the intended applications, different preprocessings can be performed to the source data. If a cached file exists, and enough images were sampled, data is loaded and returned. If either `size` or type of data (gray scale or color) requested does not match the data read from the cached file, a `RunTimeError` is generated. In contrast, there is no checking for the specific contamination (i.e. noise level, blur kernel, etc.). If no cached file is found or not enough images were sampled and stored in the file, a new data set is generated and stored in `cache_path`. The data is stored in `.npz` format for convenient access via :func:`numpy.load`. The data is saved in two distinct files: `*_bsds_train.npz` and `*_bsds_test.npz` to keep separated training and testing partitions. The * stands for `dn` if denoising problem or `dcnv` if deconvolution problem. Other types of pre-processings may be specified via the `transf` operator. Args: train_nimg: Number of images required for sampling training data. test_nimg: Number of images required for sampling testing data. size: Size of reconstruction images. gray_flag: Flag to indicate if gray scale images or color images. When ``True`` gray scale images are used. data_mode: Type of image problem. Options are: `dn` for denosing, `dcnv` for deconvolution. cache_path: Directory in which processed data is saved. Default: ``None``. verbose: Flag indicating whether to print status messages. Default: ``False``. noise_level: Standard deviation of the Gaussian noise. noise_range: Flag to indicate if a fixed or a random standard deviation must be used. Default: ``False`` i.e. fixed standard deviation given by `noise_level`. transf: Operator for blurring or other non-trivial transformations. Should be able to handle batched (NHWC) data. Default: ``None``. stride: Stride between patch origins (indexed from left-top corner). Default: 0 (i.e. no stride, only one patch per image). augment: Augment training data set by flip and 90 degrees rotation. Default: ``False`` (i.e. no augmentation). Returns: tuple: A tuple (train_ds, test_ds) containing: - **train_ds** : (DataSetDict): Dictionary of training data (includes images and labels). - **test_ds** : (DataSetDict): Dictionary of testing data (includes images and labels). """ # Set default cache path if not specified cache_path, cache_path_display = get_cache_path(cache_path) # Create cache directory and generate data if not already present. npz_train_file = os.path.join(cache_path, data_mode + "_bsds_train.npz") npz_test_file = os.path.join(cache_path, data_mode + "_bsds_test.npz") if os.path.isfile(npz_train_file) and os.path.isfile(npz_test_file): # Load data and convert arrays to float32. trdt = np.load(npz_train_file) # Training ttdt = np.load(npz_test_file) # Testing train_in = trdt["image"].astype(np.float32) train_out = trdt["label"].astype(np.float32) test_in = ttdt["image"].astype(np.float32) test_out = ttdt["label"].astype(np.float32) if check_img_data_requirements( train_nimg, test_nimg, size, gray_flag, train_in.shape, test_in.shape, trdt["numimg"], ttdt["numimg"], verbose, ): train_ds: DataSetDict = { "image": train_in, "label": train_out, } test_ds: DataSetDict = { "image": test_in, "label": test_out, } if verbose: print_info( "in", cache_path_display, train_ds["image"], train_ds["label"], test_ds["image"].shape[0], ) print( "NOTE: If blur kernel or noise parameter are changed, the cache" " must be manually deleted to ensure that the training data " " is regenerated with these new parameters." ) return train_ds, test_ds # Check if BSDS folder exists if not create and download BSDS data. bsds_cache_path = os.path.join(cache_path, "BSDS") if not os.path.isdir(bsds_cache_path): os.makedirs(bsds_cache_path) get_bsds_data(path=bsds_cache_path, verbose=verbose) # Load data, convert arrays to float32 and return # after pre-processing for specified data_mode. npz_file = os.path.join(bsds_cache_path, "bsds500.npz") npz = np.load(npz_file) imgs_train = npz["imgstr"].astype(np.float32) imgs_test = npz["imgstt"].astype(np.float32) # Generate new data. if stride is None: multi = False else: multi = True config: ConfigImageSetDict = { "output_size": size, "stride": stride, "multi": multi, "augment": augment, "run_gray": gray_flag, "num_img": train_nimg, "test_num_img": test_nimg, "data_mode": data_mode, "noise_level": noise_level, "noise_range": noise_range, "test_split": 0.2, "seed": 1234, } train_ds, test_ds = build_image_dataset(imgs_train, imgs_test, config, transf) # Store generated images. os.makedirs(cache_path, exist_ok=True) np.savez( npz_train_file, image=train_ds["image"], label=train_ds["label"], numimg=train_nimg, ) np.savez( npz_test_file, image=test_ds["image"], label=test_ds["label"], numimg=test_nimg, ) if verbose: print_info( "out", cache_path_display, train_ds["image"], train_ds["label"], test_ds["image"].shape[0], ) return train_ds, test_ds
[docs]def check_img_data_requirements( train_nimg: int, test_nimg: int, size: int, gray_flag: bool, train_in_shp: Shape, test_in_shp: Shape, train_nimg_avail: int, test_nimg_avail: int, verbose: bool, ) -> bool: # pragma: no cover """Check data loaded with respect to data requirements. Args: train_nimg: Number of images required for training data. test_nimg: Number of images required for testing data. size: Size of images requested. gray_flag: Flag to indicate if gray scale images or color images are requested. When ``True`` gray scale images are used, therefore, one channel is expected. train_in_shp: Shape of images/patches loaded as training data. test_in_shp: Shape of images/patches loaded as testing data. train_nimg_avail: Number of images available in loaded training image data. test_nimg_avail: Number of images available in loaded testing image data. verbose: Flag indicating whether to print status messages. Returns: ``True`` if the loaded image data satifies requirements of size, number of samples and number of channels and ``False`` otherwise. """ # Check image size if train_in_shp[1] != size: runtime_error_scalar("size", "training", size, train_in_shp[1]) if test_in_shp[1] != size: runtime_error_scalar("size", "testing ", size, test_in_shp[1]) # Check gray scale or color images. C_train = train_in_shp[-1] C_test = test_in_shp[-1] if gray_flag: C = 1 else: C = 3 if C_train != C: runtime_error_scalar("channels", "training", C, C_train) if C_test != C: runtime_error_scalar("channels", "testing ", C, C_test) # Check that enough images were sampled. if train_nimg_avail >= train_nimg: if test_nimg_avail >= test_nimg: return True elif verbose: print_data_warning("testing ", test_nimg, test_nimg_avail) elif verbose: print_data_warning("training", train_nimg, train_nimg_avail) return False
[docs]def runtime_error_scalar( type: str, idstring: str, requested: Union[int, float], available: Union[int, float] ): """Raise run time error related to unsatisfied scalar parameter request. Raise run time error related to scalar parameter request not satisfied in available data. Args: type: Type of parameter in the request. idstring: Data descriptive string. requested: Parameter value requested. available: Parameter value available in data. """ raise RuntimeError( f"{'Requested parameter --':15s}{type}{'-- :':7s}{requested}" f"{' does not match parameter read from '}" f"{idstring}{' file :':10s}{available}." f"\nDelete cache and check data source." )
[docs]def runtime_error_array(type: str, idstring: str, maxdiff: float): """Raise run time error related to unsatisfied array parameter request. Raise run time error related to array parameter request not satisfied in available data. Args: type: Type of parameter in the request. idstring: Data descriptive string. maxdiff: Maximum error between requested and available array entries. """ raise RuntimeError( f"{'Requested parameter --':15s}{type}{'--'}" f"{' does not match parameter read from '}" f"{idstring}{' file'}. Maximum array difference: {maxdiff:>5.3f}." f"\nDelete cache and check data source." )