
Definition of typed dictionaries for objects in training functionality.



Dictionary structure for training data sets.


Dictionary structure for training metrics.


Dictionary structure for Flax variables.

class scico.flax.train.typed_dict.DataSetDict[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Dictionary structure for training data sets.

Inheritance diagram of DataSetDict

Definition of the dictionary structure expected for the training data sets.

class scico.flax.train.typed_dict.ModelVarDict[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Dictionary structure for Flax variables.

Inheritance diagram of ModelVarDict

Definition of the dictionary structure grouping all Flax model variables.

class scico.flax.train.typed_dict.MetricsDict[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Dictionary structure for training metrics.

Inheritance diagram of MetricsDict

Definition of the dictionary structure for metrics computed or updates made during training.